Fuel your body smart before your next athletic challenge. Discover a selection of foods that will help you explode your athletic performance.

The kings of sustainable energy

  • Riz brun : your ally for long-term efforts like the marathon. Rich in fiber, it provides constant and lasting energy.

Trick : Pair it with lean proteins like chicken or lentils for a complete and flavorful meal.

  • Potatoes gentle : a concentrate of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that protects your muscles and stimulates recovery. Also rich in potassium, essential for muscle and nerve function.

Trick : Bake it or puree it for a comforting and nourishing meal.

  • Flakes oats : the perfect breakfast companions. They will provide you with gradual energy and help you maintain stable blood sugar levels. Rich in fiber and B vitamins, they also promote digestion and concentration.

Trick : Top them with fresh fruit, nuts and seeds for a complete and delicious breakfast.

Lean Protein: For Muscle Building and Repair

  • Eggs bio : a source of high quality and easily digestible proteins. They also provide essential vitamins and minerals for athletic performance.

Trick : enjoy them hard, scrambled or in an omelet for a quick and nutritious meal.

  • Chicken : rich in lean protein and vitamin B12, it promotes muscle growth and repair.

Trick : opt for a grilled or pan-fried chicken breast for a light and tasty meal.

  • Poisson : an ally for health in general and for sports performance. Excellent source of lean protein, omega-3 and vitamin D.

Trick : favor fatty fish such as salmon, tuna or sardines for maximum benefits.

Full of vitamins and antioxidants: fruits and vegetables

  • Banana : Rich in potassium, it helps prevent muscle cramps and promotes recovery.

Trick : Enjoy it plain or add it to your morning smoothie.

  • Berries : Treasure troves of powerful antioxidants that protect muscle cells from damage and promote recovery.

Trick : Eat them fresh, frozen or dried for a healthy and tasty snack.

  • Spinach : Rich in iron and nitrates, they improve blood flow and oxygenation of the muscles.

Trick : Add them to your salads, smoothies or omelettes for a nutrient boost.

Don’t forget about hydration! Drink enough water before, during and after exercise to optimize your performance and recovery.

By choosing the right foods and adopting a healthy, balanced diet, you give your body the means to excel and reach new heights.

So, prepare your plates and your sneakers, and set out to conquer your sporting goals!

Anya El Hamdaoui


June 26, 2024, at 3:07 p.m.

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