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Sudden death of Arcahaie FC footballer Alezy Olnick during a football match

  • February 29, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 42

Sudden death of Alezy Olnick, Arcahaie FC footballer, during a football match with friends.

Alezy Olnick nicknamed “Fabregas” died suddenly on Wednesday February 28 in the afternoon. According to the latest information, he was playing football with his friends on the Saint-Étienne field, in Saintard, commune of Arcahaie. After feeling unwell, the Arcahaie FC player left the field and then collapsed, the Juno7 editorial team learned. The Haitian Football Federation presents its condolences to the loved ones of the deceased.

“On behalf of the great family of Haitian Football, the FHF presents its heartfelt condolences to his close relatives, to the managers, players, supporters of the club and to the entire Archel community, dismayed by this tragic departure of the man nicknamed Fabregas ”, we can read in the press release published a few hours after the news of the footballer’s death.

The Haitian Football Federation also highlighted Olnick’s talent as a footballer, notably in the national championship with the Arcahaie FC team. “Olnick amazed us with his talent, the Archel public in national competitions and made national football shine in the Champions League of the CONCACAF.”

For the FHF, the unexpected departure of Alezy Olnick will leave a void in the world of Haitian football and in the hearts of his teammates. The Haitian Federation welcomed his departure and bowed to his mortal remains.

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