Written on 19/07/2024 | Updated 22/07/2024

Summer brings its share of pleasures, but also challenges, notably la transpiration excessive. Although the sweat is a natural mechanism of rtemperature regulation body, it can become annoying during periods of intense heat.

Here are some effective solutions to manage summer sweating and stay cool

1. Choose the right clothes

Clothing plays a crucial role in managing sweat.

Natural materials

  • Cotton : absorbs sweat and allows the skin to breathe.
  • Lin : light and breathable, it is ideal for hot days.
  • Bamboo : antibacterial and ultra-absorbent, it is perfect for sensitive skin.

Light colours

Light colors reflect sunlight, reducing heat build-up.

2. Use deodorants and antiperspirants

THE deodorants and antiperspirants can help control sweating and body odor.


  • Function: Masks odors with fragrances and antibacterial agents.
  • Natural Options: Deodorants Made From baking sodaessential oils, and aloe vera.


  • Function: Reduces sweat production by temporarily blocking sweat glands.
  • Active ingredients: aluminum salts.

Choose alcohol-free products to avoid irritation.

3. Maintain good hygiene

Good hygiene is essential to minimize the unpleasant effects of sweating.

Regular shower

Take frequent showers with a mild soap to remove sweat and bacteria.

Complete drying

Dry yourself well after showering, especially areas prone to sweating.

4. Adapt your diet

Certain foods can affect the amount and odor of sweat.


  • Drink plenty of water: maintain good hydration helps regulate body temperature.
  • Sage tea: known for its antiperspirant properties.

Avoid spicy foods

Spicy foods can increase body temperature and stimulate sweat glands.

5. Use natural solutions

Natural remedies can help control sweating.

Baking soda

  • Absorbs moisture and neutralizes odors.
  • Apply underarms after showering.

Cider vinegar

Balances the skin’s pH.

  • Dilute with water and apply to areas prone to sweating.

Summer sweating is a natural phenomenon, but it can be managed effectively with the right solutions. Enjoy the summer without worry with these practical and effective tips.

Anya El Hamdaoui

Passionate about journalistic writing, I am constantly looking for the most captivating angle for each project. My articles correspond to the main traits of my personality: the curiosity essential to researching subjects as well as the determination necessary for investigation.

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