Tabita Joseph is close to her big comeback!

Injured at the start of the year with her club, Grenadière had ankle surgery and missed the national team gathering last February. Tabita Joseph is making her return and will be training with the club’s squad next weekend.

Absent from the field for around 3 months, the Haitian international defender has finally recovered. Tabita Joseph is returning to individual training and will be in collective training at Olympique Marseille within the next week. In a video published on its Instagram account, the Marseille club took advantage of signaling the return of its player.

This will be good news for the Marseille club and the national team, despite the fact that she is unemployed. Let’s hope that all the conditions will be met for the Grenadières to emerge from their unemployment during the next FIFA window in June.

The return of Tabita Joseph, Claire Constant and Jennyfer Limage will be very good news for Haiti, in case the leaders really think about balancing the national team.