Green tea, used for millennia in Asia, is full of virtues including those linked to weight loss.

Effective fat burner

  • THE catechinsin particular EGCG, contained in the green teafavor fat oxidation and their use as a source of energy.

Elimination of toxins

  • Properties antioxidants green tea helps eliminate accumulated toxinsthus promoting better functioning of the body.

Green tea on an empty stomach: a good idea?

Drinking green tea on an empty stomach may have certain benefits:

  • Stimulates metabolism : Green tea can help start metabolism from the morning and promote fat burning All day long.
  • Helps with digestion : Catechins in green tea can stimulate production of digestive juices and improve digestion.
  • Hydrates the body : Drinking green tea in the morning helps you moisturize his body after a night’s sleep.

It is important to note :

Green tea can irritate the stomach : So it is better to consume it with food or add milk or lemon to make it sweeter.

Some people may be sensitive to caffeine : It is therefore important not to overuse it, especially in the morning

Which green tea to choose to lose weight?

The green teas richest in catechins and therefore the most effective for weightloss are :

  • Matcha : This powdered green tea is one of the most concentrated in EGCG.
  • Sencha : This Japanese green tea is known for its properties fat burners and diuretics.
  • Bancha : This green tea is less caffeine than other green teas, making it a good choice for people sensitive to caffeine.

Tips for optimizing the effects of green tea on weight loss:

  • Consume green tea regularly : It is recommended to drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea per day.
  • Combine green tea with a healthy and balanced diet : Green tea cannot work miracles alone.
  • It must be associated with a healthy and balanced diet for lasting weight loss.
  • Practice regular physical activity : Physical exercise is essential for losing weight and maintaining good health.

In conclusion, green tea is an excellent ally for weight loss. Rich in catechins and other beneficial compounds, it can boost metabolism, burn fat, and improve overall health.

However, it is important to consume it as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Anya El Hamdaoui


June 14, 2024, at 8:10 a.m.

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