Verified on 03/01/2024 by Alexane Flament, Editor

The mango, this tropical fruit with hundreds of varieties, is nicknamed the “king of fruits”. And for good reason, it is full of nutrients beneficial for our health, on several levels.

It improves transit

Thanks to its high fiber content, mango facilitates digestion.

A study published in 2021 in the journal Molecules, carried out on people suffering from constipationshowed that consuming 300 mg of mango per day for a month significantly improved the digestive symptoms of the participants.

It makes the skin more beautiful

Mango is a fruit rich in vitamin C. This vitamin is necessary for the production of collagen, a fibrous protein that gives the skin its elasticity and helps prevent wrinkles and loss of tone.

But the benefits of mango on the skin don’t stop there. Researchers have shown that Mango leaf extract could help fight acne.

It preserves our eyes

Mango contains beta carotenea powerful beneficial antioxidant for eye health.

In addition, lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids present in mango, have a protective effect on the retina and the lens (optical lens of the human eye).

They increase visual range, reduce the discomfort caused by too strong lights, improve visual contrast and reduce the adaptation time of the eyes when exposed to the sun.

It boosts our immune system

Mangoes are an excellent source of carotenoids, pigments that give them their yellow color.

Consumption of fruits rich in carotenoids contributes to the proper functioning of our immune system. Carotenoids are also powerful antioxidants. They help to fight against cellular aging and chronic inflammation.

It protects against certain diseases

Mango contains a significant amount of polyphenolswhich we find in its skin, its pulp and its core.

Polyphenols are known for their antioxidant properties which protect cells from DNA damagea mechanism that can lead to the development of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cancer.

Annabelle Iglesias


March 1, 2024, at 1:10 p.m.

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