Verified on 02/28/2024 by Alexane Flament, Editor

Papaya is a particularly healthy tropical fruit. Indeed, certain compounds contained in papaya can help us stay healthy. Explanations!

Anti-cancer properties

Several studies have shown that the lycopene content in papaya helps reduce the risk of cancer. This lycopene intake could also be beneficial in people being treated for cancer.

Lycopene is a particularly effective antioxidant, capable of countering the effects of oxidative stress, a known risk factor for cancer.

Many fruits have antioxidant properties, but papaya is the only fruit whose positive effects on breast tumors have been scientifically demonstrated.

Reduced cardiovascular risk

Fruits rich in lycopene and vitamin C, such as papaya, help prevent cardiovascular disease. These two natural antioxidants reinforce the protective effects of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) on the arteries.

One study showed that people who were supplemented with fermented papaya for 14 weeks had a better balance of good and bad cholesterol (LDL) compared to people who took a placebo.

A fruit that helps fight inflammation

Chronic inflammation in the body promotes the onset of many diseases. To combat this inflammation, it is essential to regularly eat foods rich in antioxidants.

Papaya is a fruit particularly rich in carotenoids, pigments with powerful antioxidant properties.

A recent study found that men who increased their intake of carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables had seen their CRP rate (a marker of inflammation) significantly decrease.

Easier digestion

Papaya contains papain, an enzyme that aids in the digestion of proteins. In tropical countries, papaya is considered a remedy for constipation and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Also, the seeds, leaves and roots of papaya are used for ttreat stomach ulcers in humans and animals.

More beautiful skin

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, papaya helps fight against skin aging.

The vitamin C and lycopene contained in the fruit protect the skin against external aggressions and help fight against the signs of aging (wrinkles, dryness, lack of tone, etc.).

Annabelle Iglesias


February 28, 2024, at 10:50 a.m.

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