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The BRH publishes the list of branches of 5 banks facilitating the cashing of Police checks

  • March 26, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 42

The BRH published the list of branches of five commercial banks of the special program facilitating the cashing of Police checks

The Central Bank in a document made public published the list of branches of several commercial banks facilitating the cashing of Police checks. Sogebank, Unibank, BNC, BUH and Capital Bank are authorized to pay checks guaranteed by the BRH.

Indeed, in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince, 11 branches of UNIBANK are available for the payment of police officers. Three branches are available for Sogebank: route de Frères, Aéroport 2 and rue Darguin in Pétion-ville.

📢 Discover the list of branches participating in the special program between the Professional Association of Banks and the @BRHHaitidesigned to make it easier to pay law enforcement officers starting this week.

— BRHHaiti (@BRHHaiti) March 25, 2024

The BNC provides law enforcement agents with ten branches in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince while the BUH and the Capital Bank provide four and three branches respectively.

In a letter addressed to the president of the Board of Directors of the Professional Association of Banks, the Bank of the Republic of Haiti asks this structure to facilitate the operations of cashing checks in favor of the police. This provision will allow PNH agents to receive their salary without difficulty. They will now be able to use commercial bank counters.

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The reference rate calculated by the BRH for this Tuesday March 26, 2024