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The crisis: Scams and games of crooked politicians are harder to keep the country of Haiti in turmoil and brigandage

  • May 1, 2024
  • 13 Min
  • 33

An article by Ronald Colbert

Port-au-Prince, May 1, 2024 [AlterPresse] — What happened on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, in the host Villa, in Miso/Petyonvil, is a big blow. It’s even a coup, a coup against what always appeared to be harmony, wisdom and unity under the Presidential Transitional Council, which was officially installed on Thursday, April 25, 2024. Chanmas, Port-au-Prince.

Many voices are heard. According to information obtained by AlterPresse and AlterRadio.

What happened on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 is not correct at all.

The political party collective on January 30, 2023, the platform of democratic resistance. Engaged for development (red. Ede0 and its alliances, the political party of Pitid Desalin and the agreement group of December 21, 2022 (which gathers the de facto government of Ariel Henry), are the 4 sectors who decided to wave on voting, they said will be held on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, to choose a coordinator of the action of the President’s Council for the transition.

They decided that they have a majority of 4 delegates out of 7. They say that they chose Edgard Leblanc Fils to ensure the coordination of the actions of the President’s Council for Transition (CPT), although this is not what was foreseen in the agreement signed on April 3, 2024.

The agreement on August 30, 2024 only involves the majority of the 4 sectors. This is what Frinel Joseph, one of the 2 observers inside the Kpt, specified before the press.

The agreement was signed in front of the press and sector delegates on April 3, 2024, the vote was to be held on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. But the 4 sectors that say they are the majority decided not to vote again.

What is hidden behind this rogue game, this fraud, which will cause open mouths inside the Presidential Council for the transition, while the country of Haiti continues to be in turmoil?

The political organization of the Lavalas Family, as of August 30, 2021, they know more about the Montana agreement with the big business sector, will the other 4 sectors that say they are the majority put them in a minority situation, where it is assumed that they must accept the decision that will take them?

Why the ambitions of these bald-headed politicians reappear like this in the face of the Haitian population, which is in great distress?

It seems that the 4 sectors that say they are the majority inside the CPT would want to manipulate and mislead everyone, when they decide to fight back against their bad cuts on the eve of International Workers’ Day.

The first of May is also the day of agriculture in Haiti.

Therefore, the first of May is always a holiday, where many offices and services are closed.

On the first Wednesday of 2024, most of the media take a day off, a day of rest, and do not broadcast the general information they usually have every day.

This means that the press did not have time to talk about the bad news on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, which took place in Misso’s Villa, Petyonvil.

The behavior of the 4 sectors that say they are the majority is like two drops of water and the old masses of the senate and the deputies, who in the past few years, always said they are the majority, to pass a series of stupid and ugly decisions, which are never in the interests of the country of Haiti, but rather in the service of women and men politicians big eaters.

When Minister Frinel Joseph said that the decision of April 30, 2024 only involved these 4 sectors, it is clear that it is a big decision, which does not concern the other 3 sectors that are part of the President’s Council for the transition. Therefore, the 4 sectors that say they are the majority do not consider at all the position of the other 3 sectors on the budget.

Thus, there will be pit tears that will put in great danger all the decisions the President’s Council will have to make for the transition.

Thus, it is a series of embassal forces, pulling the strings, who will profit from continuing to prevent the country of Haiti from acting duplicitously, straight, and honest people, who are not in the conspiracy to sell their souls and money to the embassal forces.

How can one understand the error of the language of the counselor Frinel Joseph?

In the event scheduled for Tuesday, April 30, 2024, the 4 sectors that claim to be the majority declare that they have proposed that Fritz Bélizaire, who should become the prime minister of the transition, despite not being written in the agreement signed on April 3, 2024 the

After mentioning the names of these 4 sectors which are the majority, councilor Frinel Joseph said “Emmanuel Bélizaire”, instead of “Emmanuel Vertilaire” who is the delegate of the political party of Son of Desalin.

Why is this language error?

The 4 sectors that say they are the majority are very vague about the consequences of maneuvers, against their bad cuts. They have decided to show that they will force the other 3 sectors to accept decisions, they will take them, to put their own people in various government posts. the country of Haiti.

All the broken hearts, people had about the possibility that the Presidential Council or the transition will give consistent results, which will be good for the country, will appear stronger after the decision against the evil trim on Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

38 years after the dictatorship of the late Divalier regime fell on February 7, 1986, will the new structure called the President’s Council for the transition break down, will split up, before it even starts its work?

The situation is more complicated every day in the country of Haiti. But the bald-headed politicians prefer to pursue combinations and rackets on the backs of the population

On the ground, thousands of people are displaced from their homes to seek refuge elsewhere in May 2024. Since 2023, they have been running away from the terror and violent acts of gangs and guns, which continue to murder people, kidnap people, rape women and girls, rob and steal without looking back, demanding that people pay tolls in various places on the territory of Haiti. .

When will these criminal acts stop in Haiti?

The price of everything that people need more and more is increasing every day. What makes everyone fall to a level of poverty, they never knew before.

Who mixed up the forces of the government, who are pursuing the plan to oppress the population, who do not see tomorrow after 33 months of acts of brigandage under the de facto government of Ariel Henry, the international community took the political power of the country of Haiti with a tweet.?

From Thursday, February 29, 2024, the landing of gang aak am will pass at another speed.

Between Friday, March 8 and Tuesday, April 9, 2024, the terror of gangs and guns pushed back 95 thousand people, who were forced to leave the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince to seek refuge in provincial cities.

Between January and March 2024, more than 2,500 people died and were injured in acts of gang violence and weapons.

When you consider what happened between October and December 2023, it is a furious increase that more than 53 percent of the terrorist acts that happened, the country of Haiti became known for the first 3 months of 2024.

From the year 2023 to the year 204, the terror and violence of gangs and guns caused 400 thousand people to move out of the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince.

In the areas where the gangs are sowing their terror, especially in the Latibonite department and the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area, all schools are closed. Many activities are blocked indefinitely. People cannot grow crops in their fields. The famine is affecting approximately 5 million women and men in Haiti, according to the United Nations. [rc apr 01/05/2024 10:50]