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The de facto Prime Minister, Ariel Henry, promises elections in 17 months: What solutions to the missed deadline of February 7?

  • February 29, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 33

How many more times will we have to press the remote control to activate the gangs before we reach the date of August 31, 2024? How many more peaceful citizens will die to achieve this PHTK “electoral tragedy”?

Leaders of Caribbean trade bloc CARICOM said late Wednesday that de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry had agreed to hold elections by mid-2025. Haiti desperately needs it – all elected officials’ terms have expired – but with the capital overrun by gangs that outnumber and outnumber the government, how can Henry achieve it?

He has already missed a deadline to hand over power this year, on February 7. While that day passed uneventfully, he said he would step down when the security situation improves – so don’t hold your breath.

If the gangs weren’t already putting enough pressure, Guy Philippe – behind the 2004 coup d’état – is trying to create a revolutionary movement.

Is help on the way? Hard to say. Kenya is supposed to lead a UN-backed force to intervene, but Kenya’s Supreme Court has declared the deployment unconstitutional. Nairobi is appealing the decision and, in the meantime, Benin has committed to sending troops under Kenyan leadership, as have several Caribbean countries.

The United States reiterated Monday that it was prepared to provide financial and logistical support for the deployment, but don’t expect to see troops on the ground. Haiti’s traumatic experiences with foreign interventions mean that the major military powers of the New World are neither willing nor welcome to return.

Haiti’s PM says he’ll hold elections next year. How? (