Delmas, Friday August 23, 2024
The Education for All Group (REPT) concerned by the issue of education in Haiti, has taken note of the publication of the roadmap of the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) and appreciates it overall positively, particularly in its aspects relating to the construction of schools, the distribution of free materials of books in Haitian Creole and the Preschool Mandatory.
The REPT remains concerned about many aspects, in particular:
The insecurity situation, which requires an urgent and effective response.
The state of disrepair and lack of resources for the operation of many public schools.
The teaching condition.
The situation of children and young people who, although outside the school system, should be constitutionally and morally integrated into it.
Sexual and gender-based violence in schools, particularly in rural areas.
In this context, the REPT proposes to MENFP managers:
1.- To advocate with the government for effective measures against insecurity in the country and for safe school spaces.
2.- To develop a plan for the care of children and young people who are out of school in the public education system, including their registration and formal integration into the Education Information and Management System (EMIS), where they are absent. These are children and young people in difficulty, marginalized girls and young people, including those living with disabilities.
3.- To improve the teaching condition by considering the demands of teachers’ unions, dialogue, negotiation and respect for the agreements reached.
4.- To actually plan the implementation of Compulsory Preschool.
5.- To plan the management of the education of young people and adults throughout life
6.- To implement policies and measures against sexual and gender-based violence in schools by better taking into account the gender perspective and integrating gender-transformative education into the education system, including as soon as possible the establishment of structures and people responsible for the gender perspective within the ministry at the central, departmental and municipal levels.
7.- To continue the commitment to increase funding for public education in the national budget to at least 20% of the budget in accordance with international commitments made in the Education Agenda 2030/SDG4, while welcoming the increase in the education budget in the current government’s 2023-2024 amended national budget, to improve the management of public education funding by taking legal measures to this effect, including the non-regression of public education funding.
8.- According to Article 32.1 of the Constitution of the country: “Education is a responsibility of the State and local authorities. They must make school available to all free of charge. In this sense, the REPT suggests auditing and publishing the program and budget of the National Education Fund (FNE) as well as the Fund for the Management and Development of Local Authorities (FGDCT) in the national budget.
9.- To advocate for tax justice
The REPT also advocates the sound management of state resources, accountability and reporting.
The REPT continues to fight for the right to education and for public, free, inclusive education for all and calls for mobilization and solidarity for the full realization of this human right.
William Thélusmond
Executive Director
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