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The fight against corruption is an absolute priority for the government, informs Garry Conille

  • June 12, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 14

Prime Minister Garry Conille says the fight against corruption is an absolute priority for his government

This Wednesday, June 12, 2024, in the presence of members of the outgoing government and members of the diplomatic corps, the Presidential Transitional Council proceeded with the installation of Prime Minister Garry Conille and his government. Speaking during this ceremony, Doctor Garry Conille stressed that the fight against corruption is a top priority of his government. “Audits will be carried out to facilitate the proper functioning of our institutions” declared the head of government, also Minister of the Interior and Territorial Communities.

In addition to the fight against corruption, Doctor Garry Conille emphasizes that his government will work to combat food insecurity which affects all layers of Haitian society. “Nearly 5 million people in Haiti are food insecure” laments the head of the Prime Minister’s Office.

Regarding the security situation in the country, Mr. Conille says he recognizes that armed bandits continue to terrorize the Haitian population, particularly in working-class neighborhoods. Faced with this situation, he emphasizes that the country’s police and soldiers must be better equipped to deal with armed gangs. He specifies that his government will also work to facilitate the resumption of activities throughout the national territory.

Garry Conille informs that the dialogue process will continue between the country’s political parties, with a view to facilitating the establishment of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP), until the achievement of free and credible elections in the country, so that the country can return to the democratic path.

In his speech on this occasion, the president of the Transitional Presidential Council, Edgard Leblanc Fils, reminded Prime Minister Garry Conille that it is up to his government to restore security, relaunch economic and social activities in the country which is ravaged by the violence of armed gangs, to raise awareness and mobilize all energies in order to pave the way for the organization of free, democratic, credible and transparent elections.

“Allow me to emphasize the following three points of this dashboard called to guide the government’s actions during the interim period. These are the reform and strengthening of the National Security Forces; the preparation of the National Conference; strengthening state institutions to fight corruption and impunity” declared Mr. Leblanc.

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