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The gangs united under their new label Vivre Ensemble claim the armed attacks and want to overthrow Ariel Henry from power

  • March 1, 2024
  • 9 Min
  • 45

During a press conference given this Thursday, February 29, 2024, the powerful gang leader Jimmy Cherisier alias “Barbecue” claimed responsibility for the armed attacks perpetrated in several places in the commune of Port-au-Prince, which left at least fifteen injured by balls. The one sanctioned by the UN and the great Western powers indicates that “the weapons of the bandits are now turned towards the enemies of the people. » 3 planes hit by bullets, a police officer injured during an armed attack, police stations attacked during this day of gang violence, according to a provisional report.

Tension was at its height this Thursday, February 29, 2024, a few hours after the Miami Herald announced that Prime Minister Ariel Henry is committed to organizing elections in Haiti by August 2025. During an armed attack, 3 planes were hit by projectiles, a police officer injured and the two airports hit by 23 bullet holes, according to a police source.

Following shootings at Toussaint Louverture airport, international and domestic flights were canceled, according to information reaching the editorial office.

According to videos that have gone viral on social networks, employees and travelers
had to lie on the ground to escape the murderous bullets. If bullets even reached the outline of the waiting room at Guy Malary airport and Toussaint Louverture airport.

Almost all the large municipalities in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince woke up under tension this Thursday, February 29.

During this day of gang violence, the Portail Leogane sub-police station was partially burned down. Information confirmed by the police. Cars in the courtyard of the premises were also set on fire by the bandits. Police officers were at the sub-station at the time of the attack.

We know a little more about what happened in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince this Thursday, February 29, 2024.

“Living Together” claims the day of tension whose aim is to remove Ariel Henry from power.

The leader of G9 Jimmy Chérisier aka Barbecue announces that he wants to definitively end the reign of Ariel Henry and it is all the gangs who, he says, are uniting in this fight. This decision was taken following the latest statements by Prime Minister Ariel Henry announcing that he will only hand over power in 2026, thus completing a presidential mandate without having been elected, declares the former police officer.

“Not only is it a battle to overthrow Ariel Henry’s government, but it is a battle that will change everything. We will ensure that the government of Ariel Henry will no longer be in power,” explains Jimmy Cherisier, who announces an alliance between G-Pep and G9, formerly rival gangs, “to fight for the benefit of the Haitian people. »

He calls on the population to join the gangs to dislodge Ariel Henry from power. Jimmy Chérisier gives guarantees that the movement will not stop until the prime minister is ousted.

Jimmy Chérisier also announces that the armed groups and the population will go to the officials of the power, members of the private sector who support this power. Barbecue also wants to neutralize the director general of the national police, Frantz Elbe.

These armed attacks also left at least fifteen injured. The latter were listed at the general hospital. It was the daily Le Nouvelliste which announced the news. The hospital says it is still receiving injuries.

A wind of panic also reigned in several areas including Bel-Air, Champ de Mars, Marché Salomon, Tabarre, lower Delmas and Plaine, automatic weapons fire was heard, the population is on alert .

In the vicinity of the Champ de Mars, students had to take flight to avoid stray bullets. The students of the Petit Séminaire Collège St Martial, neighboring the Krache Dife gang in Bel Air, were the most exposed. Parents rushed to pick up their children. In the city center, bandits paraded with weapons in hand.
The day before, Vitélhomme Innocent’s “Kraze Baryè” gang attacked the Police Academy in Torcell, breaking its fence using a bulldozer.

This situation occurred a few hours after the Miami Herald announced that the Prime Minister is committed to organizing elections in Haiti by August 2025. Opposition figures have clearly displayed their dissatisfaction with such attempts, announcing that they will do everything to prevent Ariel Henry visiting Kenya from returning to the country.

The “Living Together” structure, a new version of the G9, was launched by Jimmy Chérisier several months ago. As part of this initiative, the gangs had promised to no longer kidnap and kill members of the population but rather turn their weapons against the government and its allies. This announcement only lasted a few hours since the Canaan gang led by Jeff Gwo Lwa had invaded Saut d’Eau, killing several people after chasing the police officers from the police station. They would subsequently attack the Mirebalais university hospital. This was followed by an attack by the 400 Mawozo gang against the Thomazo police station.

No reaction from the government following this day of violence.

By Gazette Haiti News

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Gazette Haiti