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The hurricane season starts on June 1: here’s what you need to know

  • May 31, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 13

NOAA’s GOES-16 satellite captured Hurricane Idalia approaching the west coast of Florida while Hurricane Franklin moved into the Atlantic Ocean at 5:01 p.m. EDT on August 29, 2023. • ©NOAA

“Haiti and the Caribbean countries are expecting an intense hurricane season,” announced the president of the Presidential Transition Council (CPT), Edgard Leblanc Filsduring the launch of the hurricane season which runs from June 1 to November 30, 2024.

“An nou chak jwe wòl nou, pou kominote nou ka pare”, is the theme chosen for the new hurricane season which brings with it more than fifteen climatic phenomena, including cyclones and hurricanes.

According to American experts7 hurricanes exceeding category 3 on the Saffir-Simpson scale are expected during the hurricane season.

Aware of the threat posed by these climatic phenomena, the presidential council, together with the general directorate of civil protection, says it is “mobilized” to lend a helping hand to the Haitian population throughout the hurricane season.

“We are mobilized, we will remain on alert all season” promised Edgard Leblanc Fils.

“Everything will be done to respond to the most urgent situations to protect and assist the population,” assures the President of the Council.

Furthermore, a new crisis room at the national emergency operation center (COUN) was inaugurated “to mark in reality the official start of the 2024 hurricane season”.

Edgar Lebanc sees the new crisis room as an essential tool to “improve responsiveness to disasters” in order to guarantee “effective protection” to Haitians, among others.

For the opening of the hurricane season theHaiti Hydrometeorological Unitfor its part, solicits the collaboration of all sectors of Haitian society and invites the population to be vigilant.

The UHM takes the opportunity to announce showers over Haiti for this Friday, May 31, due to a tropical wave located to the southwest of the Dominican Republic.

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Wilner Bossou