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The Internet: an effective development tool

  • April 17, 2024
  • 8
  • 14

The Internet plays a vital role in today’s world and even more particularly in our daily lives as individuals. If when we talk about the Internet in the current era, more than one refers to digital social networks, where people spend a lot of time, it should be noted that they only constitute a tiny part of what is the internet as a tool.

The Internet is this technology that allows communication between several computers or other devices remotely. This is how we can share data from one device to another, without changing memory between the two. And, since the invention of the web (the web), which also uses the Internet, we have continued to experience the growth of this technology which can contribute to our development on several levels.

While some summarize the use of the Internet as digital social networks, we invite you to discover the range of possibilities it offers in the field of training, entrepreneurship and personal development.

In the field of education or training in general, the web is a cave that hides so many resources that we will never be able to exploit everything. Starting from documents, passing through digital bookserics, tutorials in the form of videos and encyclopedias, the internet offers baggage in various sectors that can help students and professionals improve, learn new subjects and develop towards excellence.

Thus, thanks to the Internet, we have been able to see the advent of many new digital professions which, for the most part, do not require any prerequisites. Let us mention for example community management, digital marketing, SEO management, content creation, etc…

As a result, education and training become accessible to more people. Also, even when it is not a question of digital professions strictly speaking, many so-called traditional training courses and professions are available online; and the most intelligent training institutions in this field have their websites in order to make what they offer even more accessible without the interested party having to travel.

Therefore, it is possible to study at a foreign university from your country of origin.

And if starting a business was very difficult in the past and required a lot of resources, with the Internet as a powerful tool, it becomes less complex and within everyone’s reach.

On the one hand, it is no longer a question of having space and a lot of human resources; because with digital social networks, the creation of a website, the sale of articles on reference sites or setting up your business in any field whatsoever is no longer an economic ordeal.

And on the other hand, several online platforms offer different tools that can guide the visionary in the process of creating his business and also in its growth.

Now we have accounting tools, marketing tools, brainstorming tools and even team management strategies at our disposal. It is even possible to collaborate and do business with professionals from all over the world. Some platforms allow you to launch a call for tenders and find the right professional to carry out remote work. This therefore becomes a winning bet both for the person looking for the service provider, and for the service provider who receives contracts to execute.

The Internet is also a powerful tool for the personal development of any individual who uses it wisely. With personal development programs, motivational shows and advice from experts from various fields, there is no excuse for those who want to bring out the best version of themselves and develop their emotional intelligence . There are psychology firms that even offer online therapy sessions and platforms offering coaching programs on different topics such as stress and fear management, public speaking, intellectual self-defense, etc…

While we have just reviewed the advantages of the Internet in several areas, although the list is not exhaustive, we must point out that this does not eliminate the efforts and sacrifices that must be made to succeed. The internet doesn’t always make things easier overall, but it makes them preferablymuch more accessible. Therefore, anyone who wants to succeed in what they do and be efficient must always demonstrate patience, intelligence, consistency and discipline, whether they use the Internet or not. It is moreover this bad apprehension which explains why some people are caught in scams of all kinds under the pretext that the Internet makes the impossible possible.

In a context where a large part of the world’s population has access to the Internet, thus offering everyone a voice and the chance to create their notoriety, whether good or bad, we must remain vigilant and selective in relation to what we produce and consume through this technology in order to get the best out of it for ourselves and our community.

Félix Christian Montina

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