Lacking energy? Want to boost your immune system and prevent heart disease? Discover the 10 foods that are full of nutrients and which give you “superpowers” ​​for great health!

They are called superfoods because they are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients essential to our health.

Superfoods that give you superpowers

Rich in antioxidants, superfoods protect your cells from oxidative stress and prevent many chronic diseases. They also strengthen your immune system. A recent study showed that regular consumption of superfoods significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Here are 10 superfoods to add to your plate today:

  1. Red fruits : powerful antioxidants, they boost your energy and protect your heart. Perfect in a smoothie or fruit salad.
  2. Nuts : rich in Omega 3, they improve brain function and cardiovascular health. Pleasant to snack on or add to your mueslis.
  3. Rhodiola : this plant adaptogen combats stress, improves concentration and endurance. Ideal as a dietary supplement.
  4. Acerola : rich in vitamin C, it boosts the immune system and protects against infections. Perfect in juice or smoothie.
  5. Blueberry : protects eyesight, improves memory and prevents neurodegenerative diseases. Delicious in pie or jam.
  6. Le guarana : this plant has fruits rich in théobromine and in théophylline, compounds known to reduce appetite. In addition, guarana is a natural source of caffeine, which gives it anti-fatigue properties.
  7. Sea buckthorn berries : rich in vitamins C and E, they protect the skin and strengthen the immune system. Ideal in juice or jam.
  8. The lawyer : rich in fatty acids monounsaturated and fiber, it protects the heart, improves digestion and gives a feeling of satiety. Perfect in guacamole or salad.
  9. Apple : rich in fiber and pectin, it improves digestion, regulates blood sugar levels and gives a feeling of satiety. Perfect plain or in compote.
  10. Sweet potato : rich in beta-carotene and fiber, it protects eyesight, improves digestion and gives a feeling of satiety. Delicious mashed or roasted in the oven.

These superfoods help maintain good health and boost metabolism. They are rich in many essential nutrients for the body.

Anya El Hamdaoui


June 20, 2024, at 5:53 p.m.

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