Written on 19/07/2024 | Updated 22/07/2024

Summer has arrived, and with it the desire for an even, golden tan that lasts.

Follow these tips to get tanned, glowing skin for an unforgettable summer.

7 tips for a perfect tan!

1. Prepare your skin before exposure

  • Before exposing yourself to the sun, prepare your skin for an even tan.
  • A scrub soft will eliminate dead cells and allow better absorption of rays.
  • Moisturize your skin regularly to make it more receptive and avoid flaking.

2. Use appropriate sun protection

  • Choose sunscreen with an SPF adapted to your skin type is crucial.
  • Opt for a SPF 30 or higherand apply generously 20 minutes before the exhibition.
  • Reapply all every two hours and after each swim to not only prevent the sun burns but also guarantee a more even and long-lasting tan.

3. Gradually increase exposure time

Avoid intense exposure from day one. Start with short periods of exposure and gradually increase the time spent in the sun. Your skin will get used to the UV rays and the risk of burning will decrease.

4. Hydrate from the inside out

  • To drink a lot of water is essential to maintain your skin hydrated from the inside.
  • Well-hydrated skin responds better to tanning and stays brighter for longer.
  • Eat foods rich in water such as fruits and vegetables pfor optimal effect.

5. Eat foods rich in beta-carotene

  • Foods rich in beta carotene like carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach can help deepen and prolong your tan.
  • Beta-carotene promotes the production of melaninthe pigment responsible for Sun tanning.

6. Protect yourself during peak hours

The sun’s rays are most intense between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. It is better to seek shade or wear protective clothing during this period to avoid skin damage while allowing your skin to tan gradually and safely.

7. Continue post-exposure care

After a day at soleilapply an after sun cream to soothe and hydrate your skin. Products containing aloe vera or of the Vitamin E are particularly effective in prolonging your tan and preventing flaking.

Anya El Hamdaoui

Passionate about journalistic writing, I am constantly looking for the most captivating angle for each project. My articles correspond to the main traits of my personality: the curiosity essential to researching subjects as well as the determination necessary for investigation.

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