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The members of the Presidential Council must be appointed without further delay, demands the European Union from the Haitian pope twel government

  • April 15, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 37

Attribution – Non Commericial – No Derivs Creative Commons © European Union 2014 – European Parliament —————————————- Pietro Naj-Oleari: European Parliament, Information General Directoratem, Web Communication Unit, Picture Editor. Phone: +32479721559/+32.2.28 40 633 E-mail: [email protected] Haiti: Statement by the Spokesperson on the establishment of a Presidential Transitional Council

Following the publication of the official decree establishing the procedure for establishing a Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) in Haiti, it is now essential that the CPT be formally appointed by the outgoing government of Prime Minister Ariel Henry without further delay. This will then allow the appointment of a new prime minister by this council.

The country urgently needs a Haitian solution to end the current political vacuum and address the long-standing political, security and humanitarian crisis. We call on all Haitian political forces to cooperate sincerely in achieving this objective.

The appointment of the CPT is also necessary to pave the way for the deployment of the multinational security support mission, mandated by United Nations Security Council Resolution 2699, to support the efforts of the Haitian National Police in its fight against gangs, restore the rule of law and security in the country, and ultimately lead to democratic elections held in good conditions.