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The population of Mibal killed 3 suspected gang members after the police arrested them

  • May 21, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 22

On Monday, May 20, 2024, the population of Mibalë killed 3 suspected gang members after the police arrested them.

On Monday, May 20, 2024, as part of an identity check carried out by the Mibalè Police, they managed to arrest Djerby Alexis, 24 years old, born in Senrafaël, but he lives in Site Doudoun, Kwadèboukè Commune. According to a note released by the police, this individual declares that he belongs to the gang in the area and admits to being involved in many criminal acts, among them: they set fire to a van with all the people who came from church.

Furthermore, Djerby Alexis said that he killed 5 people with his own hands and was involved in the attack against the Bon Repos police station where 3 policemen were killed.

Still according to the note, the police informed that they have arrested Youncé Monplaisir and Roseline Labrice, these 2 women live in the house together in “Rue du Centre”, and are part of the gang that operates downtown, in Port-au-Prince. “It is Youncé who is the head of a group of bandits with guns who are making recipes in the Kwabosal market, the Ox head market, etc. downtown” is what we can read in that note.

however, the police stated that, despite all the efforts made to protect these individuals who were arrested while trying to cross Santo Domingo, the enraged population took them and killed them.

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Music: “2 Pye n nan Dlo”, Mic-O’s cry of distress for Haiti