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The SDP informs that it has no involvement in the current government formation process

  • June 10, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 17

The Democratic and Popular Sector informs that it has no involvement in the current government formation process.

Through a note bearing the signature of Me André Michel, the Democratic and Popular Sector (SDP) wishes to inform its members and the population that it has no involvement in the current Government formation process, contrary to rumors in circulation .

Recalling its determination to work with transparency, courage and honesty, the SDP underlines that the priority today remains and remains the Security of Citizens. “This is why, for 19 months, the SDP has been engaged in a diplomatic, political and communication battle for the deployment of a multinational force in Haiti with the aim of helping the PNH to crush the armed gangs who are taking the country hostage” we read in the note.

In addition, the Democratic and Popular Sector reassures that it will continue to ensure the promotion and defense of the good actions of the Government of Doctor Ariel HENRY, such as: the consolidation of public finances, the fight against corruption, the payment of the debt of 500 million US dollars from the PETROCARIBE program, the substantial increase in the salaries of state civil servants, the multiplication of state revenues, among others, while hoping that the Presidential Council and Prime Minister Gary Conille will carry out their mission in the interest of the Population!

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