
The special national championship at the center of a circle of boycotts of several executives

By Mythsouka Jean-Philippe

The long-awaited return of football in Haiti was greeted with an atmosphere of division and controversy, as the special national championship finally resumed after a long wait since stopping in 2021. Despite the hopes of many fans, several personalities and institutions expressed their disapproval of the decision to resume the championship.

Some clubs have chosen not to participate in the resumption, thereby expressing their disagreement with the conditions or circumstances surrounding the return of football. In addition, discordant voices were raised among players, some retired or emigrated to the United States, who launched boycott campaigns on social networks, calling for collective action against the resumption of the championship.

Additionally, media coverage of the championship has also been affected, with some journalists and media outlets choosing not to inform the public about events related to the championship, despite its long-awaited return. This cascading reaction highlights the deep divisions and ongoing concerns within the Haitian football community.

While debates and tensions persist, football in Haiti finds itself facing a crucial moment in its history, where sporting issues mix with social and political questions. The future of the Special National Championship remains uncertain, as stakeholders continue to engage in dialogue and actions aimed at resolving differences and restoring unity within the football community.