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The UEH is taking steps to recover the ransoms demanded by the great powers in the past

  • May 20, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 21

UEH takes steps to recover ransoms demanded by major powers in the past

Rector Fritz Deshomme invites the Presidential Council to join the initiative of the State University of Haiti aimed at recovering the ransoms imposed by the great powers in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

The Rector of theState University of Haiti (UEH), Fritz Deshomme, sent a message on the occasion of the celebration of the flag on May 18, 2024, highlighting the deep suffering the nation is going through. In this speech, he announced steps to recover the ransoms imposed by the great powers in the 19th and early 20th centuries and invited the Presidential Council and the government to join in this initiative.

Rector Deshomme expressed the pain felt by the Haitian population, faced with a multidimensional crisis characterized by hunger, poverty, insecurity, disease and record unemployment. He spoke of the difficulties of pupils, students, teachers and professors in accessing schools and universities, and the repeated attacks against the UEH.

“For this May 18, the State University of Haiti expresses great suffering. Suffering for a country in decline. Suffering for the majority of the population battling hunger, poverty, insecurity, disease, unemployment at a level never before experienced. Suffering for pupils and students, for teachers and professors who can no longer access schools or universities. Suffering for the State University of Haiti itself, victim of numerous attacks, looting, fires and occupations in several faculties”did he declare.

Despite this suffering, the UEH refuses to give up. The message recalled the importance of the role of the university as guide and conscience of society, and highlighted the symbolism of the Haitian flag, emblem of freedom and global inspiration.

Deshommes recalled the collective dream of a strong and decentralized State, voted massively on March 29, 1987, and underlined the need for human, financial and technical resources to realize this project. He announced steps to recover the ransoms imposed by the great powers in the 19th and early 20th centuries, starting with the Independence Debt.

“For financial resources, the State University of Haiti has undertaken a process to recover all the ransoms that the great powers – such as France, Spain, Germany, England, the United States – forced us to pay in the 19th and early 20th centuries, under difficult conditions.

We will start with the Independence Debt which is the most important file and which seems to be moving forward the fastest. We remember that President Aristide launched this issue in 2003. We will take the opportunity to address the issue of unilateral trade preferences that we were obliged to grant to France for almost two centuries when France recognized our independence”he indicated.

He called on the Presidential Council and the government to join in this initiative and take measures to ensure transparent and beneficial use of these funds. The Rector also encouraged strengthened cooperation with CARICOM and African countries engaged in reparations for the damage of colonialism and slavery.

Finally, Deshomme stressed the importance of the Haitian diaspora and international friends of Haiti in supporting the country in these difficult times. He concluded his message by reiterating the hope and determination to build the dream country, and wished everyone a happy Flag and University Day.

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