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The United States contacts Caricom

  • April 2, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 42

While the Presidential Transitional Council struggles to find an agreement, the USA talks with Caricom

The American administration had promised to put the Haitian crisis among the priority lines of its diplomatic agenda, and that has now been done.

While the Presidential Council is struggling to meet the deadlines set by the Caricomwe learn that American Secretary of State Anthony Blinken spoke with the President of Caricom who is also President of Guyana, Mr. Irfaan Ali.

This consultation comes at a time when the various Haitian parties seem to be at an ideological impasse.

Some reject the idea of ​​forming such a council which in their eyes would be illegal by recommending a judge of the court of cassation, while others wish to move towards the process initiated by Caricom, namely, the creation of a presidential council of 7 members followed by the designation of a prime minister and a transitional government.

But the United States has already threatened Haitian politicians. If the solution cannot be found among Haitians, then the American administration will impose its plan B.

Nobody knows what this famous plan B is about, but there is a good chance that our power to decide our own future will be reduced to nothing if we do not find an inter-Haitian solution.

The American Secretary of State recently announced the granting of aid of 10 million dollars in the form of weapons and protection to the PNH.

During his interview with the President of Caricom, their support for Haiti via the Presidential Transitional Council and progress regarding the deployment of the Multinational Security Support Mission was discussed.

The United States contacts Caricom

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