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The United States repatriates the remains of American Missionaries killed in Haiti

  • May 31, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 26

The bodies of American missionaries Davy and Natalie Lloyd, killed on May 23, 2024 by armed gangs in Lizon, in Plaine du Cul-de-sac, were repatriated to the United States on Thursday, May 30, 2024. The first commercial flight returned from American Airlines, which resumed operations at Toussaint Louverture airport after a two-month suspension, allowed this transfer. According to CNN, gang leader Vithelhomme Innocent facilitated the recovery of the bodies.

The repatriation of the Lloyds’ bodies follows a week of intensive negotiations between the American government, Haitian authorities, local organizations, and even gang leaders, according to sources cited by the American media. HERO Client Rescue, a private ambulance service, was mobilized to recover the bodies the day after the crime, even before Haitian authorities arrived.

However, the HERO team was blocked by armed gang members on the road to the site, requiring exceptional intervention from U.S. officials in Haiti. Vitel’homme Innocent, whose armed group Break Barriers controlling an area near the US embassy, ​​played a key role in claiming the bodies and facilitating their recovery. Davy and Natalie Lloyd’s funeral is planned for early next week, according to their family.

Mackenson PHANOR

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