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The vibrant appeal for help from Haiti’s UNESCO ambassador, Dominique Dupuy

  • March 19, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 46

The Permanent Delegate of Haiti to UNESCO, Dominique Dupuy, launches an appeal for help

During the 219th session of the Executive Board of UNESCO, Dominique Dupuy, Permanent Delegate of Haiti to UNESCO, delivered a moving speech to express the distress and suffering of the Haitian people in the face of an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. She denounced the disastrous situation in which her country finds itself, while transmitting a message of hope and determination.

Dominique Dupuy stressed that the current situation in Haiti did not allow him to concentrate on the technical details of the session’s agenda. She described the dire situation in which education, science and culture in Haiti have been engulfed by years of violence and unrest. She also noted that millions of people are living in a bloody nightmare and that her country is being held hostage.

The diplomat expressed her pain, her dismay and her anger at the destruction of her country. She denounces the horrors taking place in Haiti and calls on international conscience for help. It describes a deterioration of the social fabric, hope which disappears and a youth which is sometimes forced to go to the stage of immolation.

Through his advocacy the objective was to raise awareness around the world of the critical situation in Haiti and to ask for international solidarity to help his country emerge from this dizzying descent into the unknown.

Despite the current difficulties, Dominique Dupuy refused to wallow in guilty silence and capitulate. She stressed that her country was at the center of many global issues, ranging from support to humanitarian aid, climate protection without forgetting socio-economic issues. She notably recalled that “to remain silent would be abandoned and betray the battles led by the pioneers of her nation, as well as the memory of the victims”.

The Representative of Haiti at UNESCO also wanted to highlight a Haiti full of light by recalling its history and the cultural richness of her country while evoking emblematic names and symbols. Despite the current situation, the ambassador renewed her confidence in the ability of her people to recover and reaffirmed that they aspire to peace, education and a better future.

Ambassador Dominique Dupuy’s speech sounds like a call for help to the international community which still seems to be waiting in the face of the emergency. While denouncing the humanitarian crisis affecting the country, the diplomat highlighted the suffering that Haitians suffer on a daily basis.

However, Ambassador Dominique Dupuy, Permanent Delegate of Haiti to UNESCO, wished to conclude her speech in determined remarks affirming that “Haiti could and would be reborn”.

His testimony highlighted the increased need for international solidarity and recalls the importance of lasting peace, quality education and the preservation of our culture for the future of Haiti.

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