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The Western Directorate of Education honored around ten teachers

  • May 20, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 17

On the occasion of National Teachers’ Day, May 17, 2024, the Western Departmental Education Directorate (DDEO) of the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) honored around ten teachers.

Like every year, through the ten Departmental Education Directorates (DDE) of the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP), the Western Departmental Education Directorate (DDEO) organized at the same time , ceremonies in honor of teachers in the Haitian education system. More than a dozen of them were distinguished by the DDEO in the presence of several senior executives from the Ministry of National Education, students and other guests involved in education, the ministry informed in a press release.

The teachers honored are: 1) Jérémie Joseph, director of the Beudet national school (18 years of career); 2) Marie Dominique Secours Jean, director of the Cent-cinquantenaire high school (32 years of career); 3) Marie Josette Dulysse Bonne-Année, censor of the national school of the Republic of the United States (41 years of career); 4) François Marie Phanor, censor of the Darius Denis national school (35 years of career); 5) Ricker Adelphin, teacher at Antoine and Georges Izmery high school (14 years of career); 6) Carlot Duperval from the BDS of Delmas (26 years of career); 7) Jean Gérard Fleuriot, director of the Jean-Jacques Dessalines high school (32 years of career); 8) Jean Ernsto Jenty from Henri Christophe de Diquini high school; 9) Villia Charles, director of the Marie Eugénie mixed school (35 years of career); 10) Guy Joseph, censor of the Daniel Fignolé high school (22 years of career); 11) Emmanuela Casimir Boucard, teacher at the Sainte-Rose Institution in Lima (40 years of career).

Speaking at the ceremony honoring teachers on May 17 at the Marriott Hotel (Turgeau), the deputy director of the DDEO, Ronide Bélizaire Imbert, read the message from the Minister of National Education Nesmy Manigat, where he praised the commitment of all teachers who have never stopped showing commitment to supporting children and young people, despite the difficult situation affecting the school and families .

During his speech, Étienne Louisseul France, departmental director of education for the West, praised the contribution of teachers in the training of so many generations of men and women. For him, teachers represent the soul of the nation. He says he believes that each intervention of a teacher in a classroom gives rise to hope for a better tomorrow.

“On this day dedicated to teachers, I want to pay well-deserved tribute to these men and women who give meaning and richness to the word transmission. Thank you for being the workers of this tomorrow to which we all aspire,” insisted France, who nevertheless said she recognized the difficult context in which the school has unfortunately been operating in recent times.

For their part, the recipients showed their gratitude to the departmental educational authorities for having thought of offering them this anthology of tributes on this very special day with the aim of raising awareness and drawing the attention of society to the importance of teachers in the education system, but especially in the training of children and young people.

“Today’s ceremony has a special character in that it demonstrates the gratitude of the educational authorities to the teachers. Nevertheless, we hope that this laudable gesture does not stop there,” declared Jean Gérard Fleuriot, who spoke on behalf of his peers, pleading energetically for the improvement of the living conditions of teachers, but also for the valorization of the teaching profession, while thanking the ministry for this gesture of recognition and encouragement.

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