Aspartame K, sucralose… several studies have already pointed out the harmful effects linked to the consumption of certain sweeteners. More recently, American researchers from the Cleveland Clinic have been interested in erythritol, a sweetener present in low-calorie products (with few calories). They have found that their consumption increases the risk of cardiovascular events such as heart attacks and the strokes (AVC). Their results are published in the review Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology.
This is not the first time that a study has pointed out the health risks of this sweetener. Previous research published in the journal Nature Medicine in 2023, and relayed by Current Womanalready warned of the risks of cardiovascular complications.
Erythritol consumption may increase risk of blood clots
To reach these conclusions, the researchers relied on a panel of 20 people without cardiovascular disorders. The researchers tested the impact of erythritol and glucose consumption on several blood level indices in the participants. Half of them had to consume erythritol and the other half classic sugar.
As a reminder, “Erythritol and other artificial sweeteners are common substitutes for table sugar in low-calorie, low-carb, and so-called ‘ketogenic’ products.”the researchers explain. The average NBC News specifies that it is used in “baked goods and sweets”. As for erythritol, it is produced by the fermentation of corn and is about 70% as sweet as sugar. The researchers explain that “erythritol is poorly metabolized by the body,” and can accumulate there.
Researchers call for further study on health effects of erythritol
The researchers found that in people who consumed erythritol, their levels were more than 1,000 times higher than in the second group. In addition, “Participants had a significant increase in blood clot formation after consuming erythritol, while no changes were observed after consuming glucose,” researchers note.
“This research raises some concern that a standard serving of an erythritol-sweetened food or beverage may acutely stimulate a direct clot-forming effect,” “The study is based on the findings of the study,” said Dr. WH Wilson Tang, director of research for heart failure and cardiac transplantation medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, in a statement. “Erythritol and other sugar alcohols commonly used as sugar substitutes should be evaluated for their potential long-term health effects.”
Sources :
- Ingestion of the Non-Nutritive Sweetener Erythritol, but Not Glucose, Enhances Platelet Reactivity and Thrombosis Potential in Healthy Volunteers – Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (08/08/2024)
- New study adds to increasing evidence that sugar substitute erythritol raises cardiovascular risk – Cleveland Clinic (communiqué)