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This type of diet could slow the progression of prostate cancer, according to a study

  • May 6, 2024
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The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system, the size of a chestnut and surrounded by a capsule. It is located under the bladder and surrounds the urethra, as explained by Health Insurance. This is the organ in which the most common cancer develops in humans. Indeed, with 59,885 new cases discovered in 2018 in France, the prostate cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in men, before that of the lung or colon. Although it is very rare before the age of 50, its incidence gradually increases with age.

In a recent study published in the medical journal JAMA Network, researchers from San Francisco (United States) discovered that adopting a diet rich in foods of plant origin (fruits, vegetables, cereals…) could help slow the progression of prostate cancer. Indeed, as Health Insurance points out, when you have prostate cancer, it is essential to have a healthy lifestyle. This is why it is recommended to adopt a diversified diet with anti-inflammatory properties (fish, rapeseed and nut oils, etc.) and rich in antioxidants.

Prostate cancer: consuming plant-based foods reduces the risk of disease progression by 47%

To carry out their research, the scientists used data from a cohort study (caPSURE) involving 15,310 men with prostate cancer. They asked 2,062 participants to complete a comprehensive questionnaire about their diet and lifestyle. The researchers then classified 18 everyday foods into three main categories, using their dietary intake. nutrients as well as their culinary similarities. The first category contained healthy plant foods like whole grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts, legumes, vegetable oils, tea and coffee. The second category consisted of plant foods considered to be bad for health (fruit juices, sugary drinks, refined cereals, sweets or desserts, etc.), while the last category contained foods of animal origin. (animal fats, dairy products, eggs, fish and seafood, meat and various foods of animal origin).

After analyzing the results, the researchers discovered that increasing the proportion of foods of plant origin and reducing foods of animal origin greatly contributed to slowing the progression of prostate cancer. In fact, study participants who adopted a primarily plant-based diet saw their risk of progression of their prostate cancer decrease by 47%. To achieve this result, they consumed on average 1.9 additional servings of vegetables, 1.6 additional servings of fruit and 0.9 additional servings of whole grains. At the same time, they had consumed 1 serving less of dairy products, 0.4 servings less of animal fat, slightly fewer eggs and slightly less meat.

Essential nutritional care in the context of prostate cancer

According to the scientists, the study results suggest that nutritional assessment and appropriate counseling are recommended for patients with prostate cancer. This helps patients establish healthy eating practices and support their well-being and overall health.

Sources :

  • Plant-Based Diets and Disease Progression in Men With Prostate Cancer – JAMA Network
  • Understanding prostate cancer – Health Insurance
  • Living well following prostate cancer – Health Insurance
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Oceane Letouze