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This type of food increases the risk of cognitive decline and stroke

  • May 23, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 16

Chips, soda, candy, ready meals… All these foods, which have invaded the supermarket shelves, are what we call ultra-processed foods. Considered practical and appetizing, ultra-processed foods are nevertheless harmful to your health. According to Inserm, this is, “of foods manufactured by industrial processes, from ingredients derived from raw materials, industrial products and additives”. Moreover, these are most often products rich in salt, sugars and/or saturated fatsbut also low in fiber and vitamins.

In a recent study published in the medical journal of l’American Academy of Neurology, Researchers have found that consuming ultra-processed foods could increase the risk of developing cognitive decline or stroke.

Cognitive decline, stroke: consumption of ultra-processed foods may expose you to higher risks

To carry out their study, the researchers examined data from more than 30,000 people aged 45 or over. Participants were asked to answer questionnaires about their eating habits, so scientists could determine how much ultra-processed food they were consuming. Of the total volunteers, the researchers examined the risks of cognitive decline linked to the consumption of ultra-processed foods in 14,175 people, while they examined the risks d’AVC in 20,243 people. Both groups were followed for 11 years, and had no history of cognitive decline or stroke.

After analyzing the results, the team of researchers discovered that participants who ate 10% more ultra-processed foods had a 16% higher risk of developing cognitive impairment, while those who ate more unprocessed foods had a 12% decreased risk. Concerning the risks of stroke, the results demonstrated that greater consumption of ultra-processed foods was associated with an 8% increased risk of stroke, while greater consumption of unprocessed foods was associated with a 9% lower risk of stroke. By the end of the study, 768 participants had been diagnosed with cognitive impairment and 1,108 people had suffered a stroke.

Ultra-processed foods are harmful to the brain

As Taylor Kimberly, lead author of the study, explains, the study results show that, “the degree of food processing plays an important role in overall brain health.” However, the team of researchers believes that “Additional research is needed to confirm these findings and to better understand which foods or processing components contribute most to these effects.”

Sources :

  • Associations Between Ultra-Processed Food Consumption and Adverse Brain Health Outcomes – American Academy of Neurology
  • Eating More ultra-processed foods tied to cognitive decline, stroke – American Academy of Neurology
  • Not so great – What is an ultra-processed food? – Inserm
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Oceane Letouze