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This very popular rice is the worst for health according to 60 million consumers

  • February 11, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 57

This very popular rice is the worst for health according to 60 million consumers

Is the rice you eat good for your health? Here is what 60 million consumers think of this well-known brand.

Not all rice available on the market is equal! There is one brand in particular that 60 million consumers recommend avoiding at all costs. Here’s what it takes retain.

Which rice to choose?

Consuming rice has many health benefits. First of all, it is an excellent ally if you want to stay in line.

Full of carbohydrates, this cereal is also rich in fast sugars or slow sugars, depending on the variety. If you want to lose weight for example, it It is better to turn to brown rice.

Rice is also a source of fiber and vitamins. In particular group B vitamins which are known for their energizing properties.

On the other hand, this food is an excellent natural regulator of transit. Particularly thanks to the fibers it contains. In case of diarrhea, it is often recommended to eat rice.

Moreover, consumers have a large choice of products in the supermarkets. But are they all good for your health?

To find out, you can rely on surveys from 60 million consumers. There are many rice references on the shelves and the magazine did not hesitate to analyze them one by one.

Thai, organic or non-organic basmati, Camargue rice and long grain rice… 60 million consumers looked into the marques the most popular of these 3 types. To carry out their investigation, the experts were interested in the presence of certain substances.

Like pesticides, aflatonixnes and inogarnic arsenic. Which are also regulated products with maximum levels set by the European Union.

xWhat 60 million consumers recommend

The results of investigation of 60 million consumers regarding rice may surprise more than one person. On the one hand, organic brands are the most popular among Thai rice.

It’s the brand Carrefour which shines in the basmati category. It also seems far ahead of better-known brands like Taureau Ailé ​​for example. The latter is placed in 3rd place.

On the other hand, the riz basmati is rather poorly rated. Particularly because of pollutants. It is in fact the most contaminated rice according to 60 million consumers.

“Fifteen years ago, producers added more productive varieties and pushed towards more intensive rice cultivation that used pesticides. » explains Delphine Marie-Vivien, researcher at CIRAD in an interview for the magazine.

Thus, certain rice tested have high levels of pesticides. And the worst brand of rice according to 60 million consumers is one of the most popular in France.

This is the Ben’s Original brand. In the batch analyzed, the magazine found tebuconazole. It is a fungicide and growth regulator of plants.

This product is also in the sights of the French health safety agency. And for good reason: it would be potentially carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic at the same time! Suffice it to say, you don’t want it to end up on your plate.

And that’s not all. The survey of 60 million consumers also revealed the presence of a banned pesticide in the European Union.

60 million consumers therefore recommend turning to Carrefour Extra basmati rice. The latter has good value for money and gets great marks.

All categories combined, it scores a nice 18 out of 20. Compared to only 8 out of 20 for Ben’s Original rice. So you know what you have to do!



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