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To break with mafia practices

  • May 2, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 28

(Watch Them – Pinga #2)

We, diaspora groups in North America (Canada and the United States), strongly condemn the attempt by a group of the Presidential Transitional Council to reproduce the mafia practices that have led the country to the abyss it faces. Today.

The appointment of a Prime Minister outside the provisions provided for by the Agreement of April 3, 2024 is a repudiation, a flagrant violation of this agreement and marks a desire to trample on the ethical principles adopted in order to give oneself a chance of success to take this perilous step.

It is essential to remember that it is the Presidential Transitional Council which assumes the presidency of the country as a whole and therefore ensures the smooth running of the entire process and related mechanisms.

We also deplore the silence of observer members on this issue and invite all civil society groups in Haiti to speak out on this sad affair. Therefore, it is imperative that these groups demand that the Agreement of April 3, 2024 be respected in order to allow the resumption of the transition process and to ensure that the whole ce is truly aligned towards a disruptive transition.

May 2, 2024

Pour New York Citizens Initiative

Daniel Huttinot and Michèle Montas

Pour Miami Solidarity and Resistance Committee

Hudes Desrameaux and Abel Simon Zephir

Pour the Coalition in Canada against the dictatorship in Haiti

Jean-Claude Icart and Alain Saint-Victor