The tomato, this juicy and tasty fruit, much more than a simple culinary ingredientcontains treasures for our health and beauty. Star of Western and Mediterranean cuisinesit comes in an infinite variety and can be enjoyed on its own or in a multitude of dishes. Far from being a simple fruit, Tomatoes are a real ally for our health.

A concentrate of benefits for a balanced diet

  • Powerful antioxidantthe tomato gets its red color from lycopenea valuable protector of our cells against radical attacks.
  • Rich in beta-caroteneit plays a crucial role in the prevention of many cancers and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Friend of the livertomato contains antitoxic elements such as the chlorophyll and sulfur. Chlorophyll helps filter waste from the body, while sulfur protects the liver from congestion. An excellent fat burner, it promotes the elimination of bad fats.
  • Source of vitamin C (10 to 30 mg per 100 g), tomatoes optimize the assimilation of iron and calcium. Rich in potassium, they help regulate blood pressure.

A formidable slimming asset

Low in calories (15 kcal/100g), the tomato contains only a little carbohydrates (3 %), of proteins (1%) and lipids (traces). It fits perfectly into a light, low-calorie diet.

Established in 94% watertomatoes hydrate the body and promote the elimination of toxins.

Astuce nutrition : consumed at the start of a meal, it cuts hunger. Rich in fibers and with a tangy flavor, it stimulates digestive secretions and optimizes the assimilation of meals.

A radiant beauty ally

Precious seeds for a luminous complexion: rich in vitamins Btomato tones and refines tired skin.

Lycopene, a friend of tanning : tomato activates tanning, hydrate the skin and delays the appearance of wrinkles.

Against skin problems : tomato has cleansing and purifying properties, ideal for oily skin.

Tomatoes, much more than just a fruit, are a real treasure for our health and beauty. Include them generously in your diet and beauty rituals to shine from the inside and out!

Anya El Hamdaoui


June 29, 2024, at 1:16 p.m.

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