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Trump and Biden take their duel to the border with Mexico

  • February 29, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 39

Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who are well on their way to facing each other in the November presidential election, are both traveling to the southern border of the United States on Thursday to discuss immigration, a hot topic in the campaign.

The 81-year-old Democratic president will travel to Brownsville, Texas, where he will meet with Border Patrol agents and local officials, according to the White House.

His predecessor Donald Trump, 77, will go to the Texan town of Eagle Pass, some 500 km away. The Republican continues to virulently insist that his rival is at the origin of a migration crisis.

Trump and Biden take their duel to the border with Mexico

US President Joe Biden prepares to leave the White House aboard the Marine One helicopter, February 28, 2024 in Washington / Jim WATSON / AFP

Mr. Biden wants to “show that it is important for him to go there to hear from the mouths of border police agents (…) what is happening on the ground,” the door said on Wednesday. -White House spokesperson, Karine Jean-Pierre.

He will also deliver a speech “to highlight the need for Congress to adopt” an immigration law negotiated by members of both parties, which “Republicans rejected for political reasons”, she criticized.

Asked about his visit, Joe Biden recently claimed not to have known that “(his) good friend was going there” too, a sarcastic allusion to his rival.

The Trump camp, on the contrary, accuses him of imitating the tempestuous businessman.

Trump and Biden take their duel to the border with Mexico

Barbed wire along the Rio Grande, February 3, 2024 in Eagle Pass, Texas / SERGIO FLORES / AFP/Archives

Members of the Democratic president’s team are now “sending him there on the same day” as Mr. Trump, “not because they really want to solve the problem, but because they know Biden is lose considerably,” said a spokesperson for the Republican’s campaign team, Karoline Leavitt.

“Americans know that Biden is single-handedly responsible for the worst migration crisis in history and the resulting migrant crime crisis,” she said.

No political victory

The Republican camp accuses Joe Biden and his administration of worsening the flow of migrants through their asylum policies.

Trump and Biden take their duel to the border with Mexico

Former US President Donald Trump on February 24, 2024 in National Harbor, Maryland / MANDEL NGAN / AFP/Archives

The White House assures that the Republican Party is deliberately sabotaging any attempt at compromise on the issue, and that Donald Trump does not intend to give a political victory to Joe Biden in the middle of an election year.

The former right-wing president, who built his popularity during his first victorious campaign by promising the construction of a wall between the United States and Mexico, recently used all his influence with Republican elected officials in Congress to block a text on immigration.

The agreement provided, in addition to migration reform, an additional aid envelope for Ukraine and Israel.

Donald Trump assures that the expulsion of migrants would be one of his priorities if he were re-elected. “They are killing our people, they are killing our country,” he said recently.

Trump and Biden take their duel to the border with Mexico

Texas Governor Greg Abbott during a press conference in Eagle Pass, February 4, 2024 / SERGIO FLORES / AFP/Archives

In recent weeks, the state of Texas has engaged in a real standoff with the administration of Joe Biden, its Republican governor Greg Abbott, a big supporter of Donald Trump, accusing the government of allowing an “invasion” of migrants illegal at the southern border of the country.

Border control is a federal jurisdiction in the United States, but Texas has increased measures aimed at countering immigration, with several legal disputes underway on this subject.