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Tuna pancakes: the gluten-free, lactose-free and FODMAP-free recipe, ideal for those with intolerance(s)

  • July 22, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 1

The question of nutrition can become thorny when faced with intolerances. Some people suffer from gluten intolerance (this is called gluten intolerance). celiac disease), others suffer from lactose intolerance or even irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This is a “functional intestinal disorder causing abdominal pain associated with transit disorders (constipation and/or diarrhea), worsening during painful flare-ups”, explained Aline Quenette, dietician, in a previous interview with Current wife.

On the social network Instagram, Audrey LNRD, co-founder of a support platform dedicated to IBS, shared a recipe for tuna pancakes, gluten-free, low in lactose and part of a low-fat diet. a FODMAPl’acronyme de Fermentable Oligo, Di, Monosaccharides And Polyols. “These foods in question have the particularity of containing different categories of sugar molecules, which are likely, in certain people, to be poorly digested by the small intestine, which promotes water retention in the small intestine and fermentation in the colon.”explained Sophie Janvier, dietician-nutritionist, to Current wife.

Tuna pancakes: the ingredients of this low FODMAP recipe

On her social networks, Audrey LNRD, who explains that she is “affected by digestive disorders linked to a pathology and endometriosisis used to sharing recipes and tips for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), so this time, she is sharing a recipe for tuna pancakes.

To make this tuna pancake recipe, you first need the following ingredients:

  • 1 large can of tuna;
  • 2 eggs ;
  • 3 tablespoons of low FODMAP flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of lactose-free cream;
  • 50 g of Emmental cheese (low lactose);
  • spices, which should be carefully selected if you are following a low FODMAP diet.

Here are the ingredients for the sauce:

  • lactose-free cream;
  • some mustard ;
  • you lemon ;
  • chives.

Audrey LNRD specifies that these proportions are for 8 pancakes, which makes 2 meals.

Tuna pancakes: the steps for this low fodmap recipe

First, mix the tuna, eggs, two tablespoons of lactose-free cream, spices and three tablespoons of flour in a bowl. Then, take a tablespoon of the mixture and flatten it. Then, brown your mixture in a pan. All that’s left to do is enjoy your pancakes with a little salad!

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Louis Tardy