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Vireon news of Haiti: Fire in the public market of Gonaiv, destroyed 2 cannons in Milo’s citadel, the need for a consistent state policy on the environment

  • June 4, 2024
  • 13 Min
  • 18

Gonayiv (Latibonite. Haiti), June 4, 2024 [AlterPresse] — On the night of Monday 3 to Tuesday 4 June 2024, a large fire ravaged many stores and warehouses of all kinds of goods in the Gonaiv public market, Latibonite department. This fire burned the goods of many small merchants. Gonayiv does not currently have a fire service. There is no information yet on what would cause the big fire on the night of Monday 3 to Tuesday 4 June 2024, in the Gonaiv public market.

There must be a consistent state policy in regards to the environment in Haiti. This policy must be coupled with the proper national land development program, which prevents people from building along rivers, streams, mountainsides and areas for gardening and animal viewing. The government must promote clean energy, such as the installation of batteries and solar panels in order to remove more than 7 million women and men from darkness in the country of Haiti. There should be a change in the environment ministry, so that it is not under the hands of right-wing politicians. It is the short cry of several organizations that are fighting for the environment in Haiti, on the occasion of June 5, which is World Environment Day.

Acts of theft and vandalism in the Citadelle Henry Christophe park, in the San Sousi and Ramye park in Milo, North department, where there are the largest historical monuments for the country of Haiti and the Caribbean region, is additional evidence that requires proper monitoring provisions, management and security. Not only in the Citadel, but also in natural spaces such as the Dépen Forest (between the West and Southeast departments), Lavizit National Park (in the Southeast department), Makaya National Park (South department), all consequential protection provisions must be taken. It is the short cry of several organizations that are fighting in the environment, on the occasion of June 5, which is the world environment day.

People, not yet identified, stole 2 small canoes from the citadel in Milo, Northern department of Haiti. It is a revolting act, to see the greatest heritage of the country of Haiti without proper security provisions. Where is the general direction of the Institute responsible for monitoring and protecting the national heritage, which is Spain? That’s the question Fritz Alphonse Jean, one of the members of the President’s Council for Transition (Kpt), asked in a message on his X account.

It is really difficult for people to steal these small pieces of canoes, if there is no confiolo with the staff of the citadel in Milo. It is the institute responsible for guarding and protecting the national heritage of Haiti (Spain)

While saying that he opened an investigation to shed light on this dishonest act, Spain said that he relies on international cooperation to find him and prevent the perpetrators from selling these 2 small canoes.

Spain announced that it has sent all the information about these 2 pieces of canoe to the international police (Interpol) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), to see if the perpetrators intend to escape from Haiti with 2 these little canoes.

Putting a woman who does not have the right to vote in the President’s Council for Transition (CPT), is a behavior that pretends to respect human rights, pretending to respect women’s rights. It is a twin slap for more than 6 million women and girls in Haiti. It is the criticism of several Haitian and American organizations defending human rights and feminism, in a joint note. Haitian and American organizations that defend human rights and these feminists require the proper participation of women in the transition in the country of Haiti.

In a statement on June 4, 2024, Amnesty International said it is very concerned, especially about the lack of transparency in what is happening and how human rights will be guaranteed, when the multinational security forces are deployed, in the coming ones, on the territory of Haiti.

On Saturday, June 1, 2024, the burst of gunshots caused tension and panic in the area of ​​Délma 75. It was the former national policemen as well as the current policemen, who tied the sausages with a series of people who were protesting. , who went to invade a land, which belongs to the National Old Age Insurance Office (Lona). This is what an investigation by the General Inspection of the National Police of Haiti (IngPnh) shows.

Igpnh promises to take all measures to curb these criminal acts, especially since there are national policemen who participated together with those who are in charge of the law in the invasion of the land of Delma 75, which belongs to Lona. Igpnh asks the population to remain vigilant and give the necessary support to the police against all forms of criminal acts.

Lona raised her voice against the act of banditry by individuals, who had heavy weapons in their hands, and who had national police uniforms on them, went to his land, in Dèlma 75, on Saturday the first of June 2024. Lona asks the head of the national police to take all the necessary measures to curb this criminal act, which tarnishes the image of the police institution.

On Monday, June 3, 2024, the President’s Council for Transition (CPT) handed over to Garry Conille the document announcing that he was chosen as the first transition minister in Haiti. The KPT asks all the following forces to work together and harmoniously to make the transition give good results. It is the action coordinator of the Council of President for the transition, Edgard Leblanc Fils.

We will not lie to ourselves about the great challenges that await the transition team, especially in the farewell to the climate of terror. There are times when we will not be able to agree on some points. But the spirit of wisdom that appears in the house of the members of the President’s Council for the transition gives a lot of encouragement. We must tackle the problems without delay. This is the response of Prime Minister Garry Conille after the words of Capt.

Just after entering the country on Saturday the first of June 2024, the transitional prime minister, Garry Conile, went to find out for himself the situation in downtown Port-au-Prince, such as in some displacement camps, because of the terror of gangs and guns. It was in the armored car that Conille made a tour in the center of Port-au-Prince on Sunday, June 2, 2024.

On Sunday, June 2, 2024, people from the second section of Mare Briole, Belans commune, Sudès department, last name Wilson Saint-Victor, are accused of being involved in what is not. At the time he was trying to escape, Wilson Saint-Victor was wounded by the bullet of a 26-year-old man, who was taken to the hospital for treatment. It was after the people of Belans had passed him that the national police arrived to recover the weapon that was in the hands of Wilson Saint-Victor, which is a police weapon, according to the police.

On the night of Thursday 30 to enter Friday 31 May 2024, the national police arrested in Lascahobas commune, central Plateau department, Fanel Tagette, better known by the name Wave of Life, whether or not he escaped from prison. The national police did not say in which prison or when Fanel Tagette escaped from prison. [ppsf emb rc apr 04/06/2024 14:53]