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Vireon news of Haiti: Monsey Pierre Andr Dumas is not worse after being injured in a Ptoprens firecracker bomb, Sunday night, February 18, 2024

  • February 21, 2024
  • 8 Min
  • 43

Port-au-Prince, February 21, 2024 [AlterPresse] — The state of health of the Roman Catholic Monsignor Ansavo/Miragwán in Pierre André Dumas is not worse. Monsignor Pierre André Dumas was injured on Sunday night, February 18, 2024, when a firecracker went off where he was in Port-au-Prince. This is what the head of the Roman Catholic Church of Haiti announced in a note.

2 people, suspected by the police as bandits, died on Monday, February 19, 2024 in a shootout with the national police. This happened in Fon Cheval, commune of Mibalè, central Plateau department, after an attack with armed bandits on the Red Land police station, on the Mibalè/Portoprince road, according to the police.

Because of problems of morality, long superior fingers, rackets, taking money from people, the Superior Council of the Judiciary (Cspj) requests the removal of 12 mayors from Haiti’s judicial system. But Cspj gives 30 other mayors good report cards. Cspj recognizes that these 30 mayors have good behavior, they can continue to work in Haiti’s judiciary. The Superior Council of the Judiciary also said there are 18 mayor’s files that require further investigation, before giving its opinion on them.

Martine Joseph Moïse, wife of the late Jovenel Moïse, said she doubts the ability of the judge Walter Wesser Voltaire, who asked that he and 50 other criminals go to trial before a criminal court. In a letter he sent to the civil court of Port-au-Prince, Martine Joseph Moïse said that the mandate of judge Voltaire’s instructions was over, before giving his decision on January 25, 2024. Martine Joseph Moïse demands light on the murder of her husband Jovenel Moïse on July 7, 2021.

Martine Joseph Moïse, the wife of the late Jovenel Moïse, on a list of 51 major judges decided by Walter Wesser Voltaire, who should go to trial before a criminal court on the July 7, 2021 murder case against Jovenel Moïse.

Disinformation, political brigandage, responsibility of citizens and citizens, role of media and journalists. It is the theme of an online brainstorming session being organized by the Alternative Media Group (GM), on Thursday, February 22, 2024, together with its partners (International Organization of Francophonie / OIF, Union of European Countries and Solidarity of Haitian Women Journalists / Sofehj). Brainstorm online on Thursday, February 22, 2024 to join the campaign to encourage the media, journalists, citizens and citizens to stand up and fight against disinformation in the country of Haiti.

The gold mining operation, which the Canadian company Unigold is preparing to do in the Dajabón area of ​​the Dominican Republic, will cause great damage to the environment of the country of Haiti. These gold mining operations will reduce the country’s water shortage. You need an average of 500,000 liters of water to remove and wash a kilogram of gold. The Concert for Haiti, which is a gathering of several organizations and personalities in Quebec/Canada, says it brings its solidarity to all organizations in Haiti, who say they are heartbroken by the way these gold miners, who will use poison that the pot called cyanide, will contaminate Masak river with the Latibonite water. The waters of the Masak River and the large water of the Latibonite serve the Haitian peasants a lot, to irrigate the rice fields and other products on the border between the two countries. You can read the warning of the Concert for Haiti in a document, which is on the AlterPresse website.

On the occasion of the G20 meetings, which are being held in Brazil, the Central Autonomous Workers and Haitian Workers (Cath) calls on trade unionists all over the world, especially in Brazil, to free the Haitian people from the terror of gangs and guns, acts of kidnapping and other types of violence. These acts of violence push many people to flee their homes, to seek refuge elsewhere, while many children cannot go to school. It is a court of cassation judge, who should be installed in the political direction of the country, to allow security to be restored and to organize elections, according to the Central Autonomous Workers and Haitian workers.

The crisis that is stirring up the country’s budget in Haiti enters the discussion that is taking place in various meetings, such as the talks of the ministers of foreign affairs of the G20 Group, according to information obtained by AlterPresse and AlterRadio. The G20 brings together 19 countries with the strongest economies, plus the European Union and the African Union. [ppsf emb rc apr 21/02/2024 15:24]