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Visionary and committed: Pierre Robert Auguste leads the initiative of the Artibonite Development Center

  • March 30, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 63

The joint declaration establishing the Artibonite Development Pole represents a considerable commitment on the part of the institutional and individual actors involved. This consortium, open to local authorities in the region, aims to act as a community reflection and action group, with consultative status.

Its main objective, underlines Pierre-Robert Auguste, president of the Association of Entrepreneurs of Artibonite (AEA), is to promote economic, social and cultural well-being within the limits of the department, one of the largest granaries of Port -au-Prince.

The Cluster’s mission is clearly defined, focused on promoting partnership in the areas of sustainable development and social and economic entrepreneurship. Its objectives, Mr. Auguste further details, include the facilitation of dialogue between stakeholders, the organization of a problem alert system, the promotion of collaboration between local and expatriate resources, as well as the implementation implementation of various initiatives such as debates, studies and training programs.

To achieve its goals, the Center provides a structure organized into interest groups and thematic studies, with management ensured by founding members appointed for renewable mandates. Finally, decisions will be taken by an absolute majority vote, thus ensuring democratic and inclusive governance.