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Water is a very healthy drink. But Harvard researchers have found another one that is just as important: coffee

  • February 3, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 59

News JVTech Water is a very healthy drink. But Harvard researchers have found another one that is just as important: coffee

Water, coffee, soda, etc. You probably have certain prejudices about certain drinks, but surprisingly, coffee has more benefits than you might think.

Coffee, a real surprising alternative to water?

Water is undoubtedly an essential drink, often considered the healthiest.

However, Harvard researchers believe there are other equally beneficial alternatives. The Nutrition Source, a site of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard University School of Public Health, dedicated to providing quality information on diet and nutrition, offers two surprising options: coffee and tea.

Coffee, often associated with prejudices about its effects on health, is the subject of a nice re-evaluation.

According to researchers, daily consumption of 3 to 5 standard cups of coffee is consistently associated with a reduced risk of several chronic diseases. Contrary to popular belief, caffeine does not appear to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or cancer. In reality, coffee offers a multitude of benefits.

In addition to stimulating the mind and fighting drowsiness by blocking the action of adenosine, a neuromodulator with sedative effects, coffee improves executive memory, attention, and concentration. It promotes planning and monitoring of tasks, while speeding up reaction times. In essence, coffee is more than just a beverage, it is a true source of possibilities for mental and cognitive well-being.

However, it is important to note that coffee is not a panacea for everyone. Some individuals may be sensitive to caffeine, experiencing symptoms such as nervousness, anxiety, or insomnia. Likewise, it is not recommended for those who have difficulty controlling their blood pressure. Despite these reservations, coffee remains a surprisingly healthy option, offering a nice alternative to water.

And then the tea?

Besides coffee, tea is emerging as an alternative to seriously consider. Although tea has sometimes been criticized, notably in 2016 by the WHO which linked tea consumption to an increased risk of cancer, it is important to clarify that this warning was linked to the practice of drinking tea at extremely high temperature.

Water is a very healthy drink.  But Harvard researchers have found another one that is just as important: coffee

The problem therefore lies more in the temperature of the tea than in the drink itself. Whether black, green, oolong or white tea, as well as caffeine-free herbal infusions, tea offers a range of health benefits.

Observational studies have shown that drinking 2 to 3 cups of tea is associated with a reduced risk of “premature death, heart disease, stroke, or type 2 diabetes.” Although correlation does not necessarily mean causation, these results provide an interesting indication of the positive impact of tea on health.

What makes these two drinks particularly beneficial is not only their intrinsic value, but also what they replace. By promoting good hydration and reducing the feeling of thirst, regular consumption of water, tea or coffee can encourage people to opt less for other less healthy drinks, whether due to their sugar or mineral content. alcohol.

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