From the age of 40, the body changes. Weight is gained more easily and is more difficult to lose.

Thanks to sport, a balanced diet and some fruit, it is possible to maintain a healthy weight. Explanations.

Body changes after 40

From the age of 40, the body changes. Especially for women, in whom hormonal and metabolic changes occur. They gain weight more easily and losing it becomes more difficult.

Indeed, from the age of 40, women enter the period of premenopause. This is a transition period that precedes menopause.

During this period, the metabolism is modified due to the drop in estrogen and the reduction in the secretion of growth hormone. The latter serves to regulate lean and fat masses.

Because of this reduction, women tend to develop more body fat.

Other hormones can influence weight gain. According to nutritionist Pascal Nourtier, women take approximately 4 kg during this premenopausal phase. However, this variation differs from person to person.

Bodies all react differently. A healthy lifestyle and regular sporting activity can help keep your weight in balance. Just like the consumption of four very specific berries.

Raspberry, blueberry and strawberries: berries to maintain your weight after 40

According to doctor Kelvin Fernandez, interviewed by She Finds, lBlueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are four berries that help maintain weight after 40.

  • THE strawberries are the much awaited fruit of sunny days. In addition to being delicious, the little fruit is full of essential elements, nutrients and antioxidants. Strawberries have a high water and fiber content, which helps promote feelings of fullness and eat less.
  • The blueberries are known for their tangy taste. They are rich in antioxidants, stimulate metabolism and control blood sugar levels. They are also low in calories, ideal for enjoying without worrying about your weight. The small blue berry is rich in fiber, which promotes the feeling of satiety.
  • The walls are rich in fiber, which keeps you satisfied and improves digestion.
  • Raspberries are rich in nutrients, fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. “Raspberries are rich in ketones and are known for their fat-burning properties,” indicates the specialist.

These fruits can be eaten first thing in the morning, in a bowl with a little skyr and oatmeal. For a sweet touch, pour a drizzle of honey over your preparation. Enjoy your food !

Florine Cauchie

Health journalist

May 31, 2024, at 2:10 p.m.

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