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Weight loss: is mozzarella high in calories?

  • June 30, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 9

Mozzarella is an Italian unfermented cheese made from buffalo or cow’s milk. It can be eaten fresh in a salad or melted into pizza or pasta.

If you are looking to lose those extra pounds without having to do without cheese, mozzarella can be a great ally. We tell you why.

The main thing to remember

Mozzarella is a cheese with fewer calories and less rich in bad fats and sodium than many other cheeses.

Mozzarella contains essential nutrients such as protein, calcium and phosphorus.

A low-calorie, high-protein cheese

The mozzarella is one of the healthiest cheeses since it contains only 64 calories per 25 g. It is a low-calorie cheese but also interesting from a nutritional point of view because it is rich in protein.

In fact, a portion of mozzarella (around 30 g) provides 6 g of protein, which is equivalent to the amount of protein contained in a dish of poultry or fish.

As a reminder, the proteins are essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body’s cells.

They provide energy to the body and are necessary for cell growth and regeneration. Proteins also help produce enzymes, hormones and antibodies that help fight infections.

A cheese less fatty and less salty than the others

Mozzarella contains half as much salt as feta and parmesan.

Although salt is essential for the proper functioning of muscles and nerves, it can be harmful to health when consumed in excess (high blood pressure, kidney disease, water retention, etc.).

If you like cheese but need to limit your salt intake for your health, mozzarella is a good compromise.

Another advantage of mozzarella compared to other cheeses: it is not very fat. Although it is a high-fat cheese, it is low in bad fats, also called saturated fats.

An ally for your microbiota

Mozzarella contains probioticsnotably Lactobaccillus casei and Lactobacillus yeast Probiotics are live microorganisms (bacteria, yeast, etc.) which have a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora.

Eating mozzarella, combined with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, is a good way to enrich your microbiota with good bacteria to preserve your digestive well-being.

Finally, mozzarella is rich in calcium, phosphorus and zinc, nutrients that play an important role in bone and tooth health.

Annabelle Iglesias


June 30, 2024, at 6:10 a.m.

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