Being a good sportsman is not just about your performance on the field. It is also very important to pay attention to what you put on your plate every day.

Here is what diet to adopt to boost your sporting performance.

A balanced diet to prevent lack of endurance

Whether you play a sport to relax or do it at a high level, what you put on your plate is just as important as your workouts.

Indeed, your diet plays an essential role in your performance. It brings you energy, vitality, strength and health. If it is balanced and healthy, it also helps reduce inflammation linked to your practice.

By avoiding deficiencies, you avoid the risk of injury, lack of endurance, poor recovery, dizziness, dehydration,anemialack of energy…

The importance of good hydration

A good diet contributes to obtaining good sporting results. Thus, the variety and diversity of the athlete’s diet will depend on their sex, their age, their level and the amount of practice.

But, there are rules that can apply to everyone. As :

  • Drink at least 1.5 L of water per day, throughout the day. The ideal is to be able to vary the sources of water and to drink between meals;
  • During exercise, drink at least 500 ml of water ;
  • For your meals, Eat fruits and vegetables, organic if possible. Contrary to popular belief, it is better to avoid juices. Cereals and dried vegetables such as wholemeal pasta, sweet potato, green lentils or chickpeas should be included regularly in your preparations. Red meat should be limited to twice a week;
  • Limit fried, breaded productspastries, processed dishes, juices, alcohols, sodas, pizzas, flavored dairy products, ice creams, sweets, etc.

Finally, to boost your sporting performance it is advisable not to Do not exercise during the digestion phase. Also avoid eating on the go or skipping a meal.

Finally, know that the last meal before exercise must be well chewed and low in fat. This reduces digestion time and allows you to use your muscles efficiently.

Florine Cauchie

Health journalist

June 7, 2024, at 7:10 a.m.

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