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When should you consult a cardiologist and have a cardiological examination done?

  • May 21, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 16

Why is it important to consult a cardiologist in certain situations? On his social networks, Dr. Louis Bendayan, cardiologist, known under the pseudonym @driktok, explained in which cases it is important to carry out a cardiological examination in order to prevent certain complications as much as possible. The latter explained in particular why some people can feel dizzy when getting up, but also the link between the cold and cardiovascular pathologies. The expert takes stock of six specific reasons to consult a cardiologist.

Why consult a cardiologist? 6 factors that should push you

Shortness of breath, risk factors, sporting activity: discover 6 situations which should lead to a consultation with a cardiologist, according to a specialist.

Feeling symptoms

The first scenario listed by Dr. Louis Bendayan is certainly the most obvious, namely the fact of feeling certain symptoms, “especially chest painespecially if they come from exercise, shortness of breath, palpitations, the feeling of having a slightly irregular heart, discomfort, or edema”, he explains in his video. The specialist also specifies that “In women, it can simply be great fatigue, back pain or digestive signs.”

Accumulate risk factors

Another situation in which the doctor indicates that it is necessary to consult a cardiologist: that of accumulating several risk factors. The expert lists in particular “smoking, cholesterol, diabeteshigh blood pressure, sedentary lifestyle, obesity and also heredity”.

Get a check-up at 40

Because prevention is essential to diagnose diseases as early as possible, it is important to consult a doctor at the right time. Dr. Louis Bendayan estimates that at age 40, “everyone should have at least one cardiological exam with an electrocardiogram.

Resume physical activity

While physical activity is essential to staying healthy, certain precautions must be taken. The doctor recommends an appointment with the cardiologist beforehand, particularly “if you have not done sport for a long time and if you have cardiovascular risk factors”.

A genetic heart disease in the family

If a family member is diagnosed with a genetic heart disease, Dr. Louis Bendayan recommends seeing a cardiologist.

Monitoring of cardiological diseases

Finally, the last scenario presented by the doctor concerns follow-up consultations in people suffering from a cardiological disease, such as high blood pressure or angina.

If you have any doubt, “it is better to consult for nothing than to have a heart attack at home”, concludes the specialist.


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Louis Tardy