History will not forgive us if we do not take power now, said Lenin on the night of October 24-25, 1917, and in just a few hours, Lenin and his men took the lead of the country. Can we draw inspiration from this statement today to organize ourselves and set out to conquer power in Haiti?
Indeed, the political, economic and social crisis has lasted too long in Haiti and will not be resolved until the popular masses rise up in an autonomous, organized and disciplined movement under the consistent leadership of a Marxist and Leninist revolutionary vanguard.
Faced with the multiple corruption scandals involving the authorities of the Transitional Presidential Council and senior officials of the Public Administration in Haiti, faced with the police repression of any desire to mobilize the popular masses, supported by corruption and the control of the spoken, written, televised and online press, considering the declaration of Prime Minister Garry Conille not to be able to organize elections/selections at the end of this 21-month transition, faced with the observation of the complicity of the American Embassy and the countries of the Core Group with the armed groups of the metropolitan area and certain provincial cities, the organization of escapes in the main prison centers of the country, particularly the events that occurred this Friday, August 16, 2024 in St Marc confirm the complicity of the State of Haiti and the guardian powers. It is time for us to revolt and set out to conquer political power for a final transition, the real transition of rupture over ten years to repair the political, financial, administrative, economic damage of the PHTK regime in Haiti and to free the country from the domination of Western powers within the framework of SOUTH-SOUTH cooperation based on the right of the Haitian people to self-determination.
Imagine for a moment a guerrilla of proletarians (peasants, workers, youth, and progressives etc…etc.) engaging in an armed struggle in Haiti, the United States of North America will be the first to send its soldiers and the CIA to crush the rebellion and prevent the success of a revolutionary movement, they have betrayed and are fighting against all those who had tried to overthrow the Duvalier regime by force of arms.
Haiti must not obey, the first republic in the hemisphere that abolished slavery in the 19th century, we will exercise our rights by refusing to lower ourselves or be reduced to disguised slavery.
The traitors, the sell-outs and the corrupt who have always put themselves at the service and in service of foreign interests and who have always tried to erase from our collective memory the heroic struggles of our ancestors, will be neutralized forever. The Founder of the homeland said: we dared to be free, let us dare to be free by ourselves and for ourselves.
Our struggle today is a double struggle for national liberation, against the capitalist exploitation of the traders of the private business sector (bankers, industrialists, importers, distributors) and against the domination of Western imperialism. We must organize ourselves in discipline to confront the shameless lies of the capitalist bourgeoisie of all countries and neutralize all the bad blows of the mercenaries of the moribund capitalist system and deliver them the final blow in Haiti.
More than ever, let us adopt Karl Marx’s slogan: “Workers of all countries, unite” drawn from the conclusion of the Manifesto of the Communist Partypublished in 1848 by Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels for the revival of the autonomous popular struggle in Haiti.
We will never stop repeating: “Continuous, disciplined and conscientious popular mobilization is the only remedy for Macoute arrogance and repression, bourgeois domination and exploitation, and imperialist interference in Haiti.”
Liberty or Death! Homeland or Death!