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Why is rain so depressing? Dr. Jimmy Mohamed’s answer!

  • July 21, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 1

Written on 20/07/2024

You have probably noticed (especially in recent months), bad weather has an impact on our morale! There are scientific explanations for this phenomenon.

Dr Jimmy Mohamed explains why rain and grey weather make us feel down.

The essentials to remember

Lack of sunlight is associated with a decrease in the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness and well-being.

When it’s gray and cloudy, the lack of light activates the brain’s production of melatonin, a hormone that is supposed to make us sleep.

Less sun, less serotonin

Our brain adapts its biological rhythm according to the seasons. In winter we know that it gets dark early and the day rises later. As a result, we tend to sleep more and be a little less active.

In spring and summer, we expect to have nice weather to go out a little more and enjoy the sun and mild temperatures. But this year, The sun has remained shy since the beginning of spring. This cloudy and rainy weather which has persisted for many weeks is weighing on morale.

This drop in morale would be linked to a lack of serotonin, the chemical messenger of happiness and well-being. When the weather is nice, sunlight activates the cells in the retina of our eyes, which sends a message to the brain to produce serotonin.

“Australian researchers have also shown that the lack of sun is associated with a decrease in serotonin production. This explains why we feel a little better in the sun and conversely why we all feel a little depressed when it’s gray and rainy.”says Dr. Mohamed.

Less sun, more fatigue

When the weather is bad, we also feel more tired. This state of fatigue would be linked to too much melatonin, the hormone that promotes sleep.

You should know that when it’s gray and cloudy, the lack of light activates the brain’s production of melatonin, a hormone that is supposed to make us sleep.

This is also why in winter, a lack of serotonin, combined with an excess of melatonin, can contribute to seasonal depression.

So right now we have the perfect cocktail to get you feeling a little blue.”, constate le Dr Jimmy Mohamed.

Does humid weather make rheumatic pain worse?

Some people report having more joint pain and arthritis when it’s cold and damp. But in reality, there is no link between humidity, atmospheric pressure and the occurrence of pain.

It would actually be a change in the perception of sensations. When the weather is bad, like right now, we feel a little more depressed, we have less energy, so we would be more in tune with our body.

“Let’s not forget the very important influence of morale on our pain. When the weather is bad, we tend to move less, go out a little less and therefore be more sensitive to our pain,” the doctor said.

In short, while waiting for the good weather to return, you should try to do some physical activity in spite of everything, to keep your spirits up. Sport contributes to the natural production of serotonin.

Annabelle Iglesias

I am Annabelle Iglesias, a freelance journalist specializing in health and wellness. A graduate of ESJ Pro, I mainly write on health, nutrition, pregnancy/baby, psychology and sex topics.

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