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Why it is advisable to download your Covid vaccination certificate before the beginning of September

  • June 27, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 2

Have you not kept your Covid-19 vaccination certificates? The Covid Vaccine site is closing soon. Health Insurance reminds that you have until September 1 to download your documents. We take stock.

They were essential during the Covid-19 pandemic, but have since been put aside: vaccination certificates against Covid-19. These precious sesames representing the official certification of the French administration of vaccination against Covid-19were mandatory for many months to go to a restaurant, to the cinema, or to take a plane. But even if this document is no longer useful on a daily basis today, it still serves justify your injections against Covid-19 and its access could become much more complicated.

Indeed, until now, the Covid-19 vaccination certificate was produced from data recorded by health professionals in the Covid Vaccine teleservice. In a press release published on June 21, 2024, Health Insurance announces that this tool will be “permanently closed on June 28.

Covid-19 vaccination certificate: it is still possible to download it until September 1st

But do not panic, “policyholders will be able to continue download until midnight on September 1, 2024 their certificates corresponding to injections carried out before June 28, 2024from their Ameli account or the online service ‘Vaccination certificate”, explains the Health Insurance website. Beyond this date, these documents will be permanently inaccessible through the site. To keep their vaccination information at hand, the Health Insurance website recommends that French people “to save them in the vaccination record of My health space”.

If the epidemic situation is no longer as critical, this document could still prove useful, in particular for traveling. Indeed, Health Insurance points out that some foreign countries may have maintained entry, stay and exit conditions on their territory introduced during the pandemic. If you are traveling abroad, you can consult online the health rules in force in the country of destination, in particular in the “Advice for travelers” section of the website of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Covid-19 vaccination data: they are kept on a secure database for 30 years

Even though the Covid Vaccine site will soon close its doors, its data “since the start of the vaccination campaign are kept by the digital department of the Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity in a secure database for a period of 30 years.”, assures the Health Insurance website. Proof of your Covid-19 vaccinations will therefore never be lost.

Source :

  • Covid-19: the “Vaccination certificate” teleservice will be closed from September 2, 2024 – – June 21, 2024

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Emilie Biechy-Tournade