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Will PM Conille and his ministers display the photo of Jovenel Mose or that of the Presidential Advisors in their office?

  • June 14, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 8

After the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in the conditions that we know, the members of the government of the failed Prime Minister Ariel Henry continued to display the photo of the late president as part of a political management of this villainous assassination and to continue to manipulate the Haitian people.

This symbolic gesture can have political implications within an administration and many wonder what measures PM Conille and his ministers will take in this direction. Will they display the photo of Jovenel Moïse or that of the Presidential Advisors in their office?

Remember that the gesture of placing the photo of the President in the Minister’s office can be interpreted in several ways:

1. **Sign of loyalty and political support :** By displaying the photo of the President, the Minister publicly shows his support for the authority and political direction of the Head of State or the Presidency

2. **Symbol of higher authority:** It can also symbolize recognition of the President’s authority as head of state and head of government, thereby reinforcing legitimacy and hierarchy within the administration.

3. **Demonstration of government unity:** By displaying the President’s photo, the Minister may want to communicate unity and coherence within the government, showing that despite political or ideological differences, there is a common commitment to the existing administration.

4. **Constant reminder of the political objective:** This can serve as a visual reminder of the policy objectives and priorities set by the President, thereby helping the Minister to focus on policies and initiatives aligned with the Presidential agenda.

5. **Political communication strategy:** In some cases, it can also be a political communications strategy to reinforce the image of the Minister as a loyal and committed member of the presidential team, thereby strengthening his position within the government and vis-à-vis the public.

6. **Affirmation of political alignment:** Placing the President’s photo in his office can be a way for the Minister to publicly demonstrate his alignment with the President’s values, principles and policies. This may be particularly important in political systems where loyalty to central leadership is crucial to maintaining political cohesion and governmental stability.

7. **Symbolism of institutional authority:** By displaying the photo of the President, the Minister may also want to remind his colleagues and visitors of the institutional authority to which he is subject as a representative of the State. This reinforces the notion that decisions made in this office are consistent with the directives and national policy set by the President, thereby enhancing the legitimacy and impact of his actions.

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Rezo Nodwes