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Crisis: Effective international cooperation to restore security in Haiti, government recommends

  • July 4, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 7

P-au-P, July 4, 2024 [AlterPresse] — Haitian Prime Minister Garry Conille calls for effective international cooperation to restore security and restore democratic institutions in Haiti, in an intervention at the United Nations (UN) Security Council meeting on the Haitian crisis, Wednesday, July 3, 2024.

This effective cooperation should be established between the national authorities, the Multinational Mission for Security Support (MMAS) and the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), among others, Conille advocates in his speech, followed by AlterPresse.

The Haitian Prime Minister hopes that the deployment of MMAS police officers alongside Haitian law enforcement will help put an end to the activities of criminal groups.

However, he hopes that Haiti will definitively escape the spiral of security missions and, at the end of this mission, will have strong and effective institutions.

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Kenyan police officers – among the 200 (instead of 400) already present in Port-au-Prince (Haiti) since Tuesday, June 25, 2024 – have begun to carry out patrols in certain areas of downtown Port-au-Prince.

Despite the presence of the multinational force, New offensives have been launched by gang members, particularly in Gressier where they murdered and kidnapped around twenty residents, after the new storming, on Sunday June 30, 2024, of the police station of said town, taken over by the Police, on the afternoon of Monday July 1.

The transitional government will adopt a holistic and community approach to security, which must be achieved through economic recovery and access to basic social services, which must be done concomitantly, as well as by restoring the population’s confidence in the police, the Prime Minister envisages.

Mechanisms must be put in place to ensure not only security, but also dignity and respect, “to ensure that the mistakes of the past are not repeated,” Conille recommends, recalling how Haiti’s history with foreign interventions “has been mixed.”

“At this decisive moment, no project, whether economic or political, can be approached without addressing the security issue.”

The head of government also stressed “the urgency of finding a lasting solution to the security problems exacerbated by the activities of criminal gangs.”

More than ever, Haiti must mobilize all necessary resources available “so that this transition is the last,” he says, adding that “There is no Haitian inevitability.”

“The current situation is the result of a policy that has separated the state and the people. So, to do things differently, the government will facilitate elections and constitutional reform, strengthen mechanisms to combat corruption and impunity, develop security strategies focused on interaction between the population and the police, and modernize the judicial system,” he said. [emb gp apr 04/07/2024 11 :05]

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