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Haiti – Social: 578,074 people displaced, increase of 60% in 3 months

  • June 11, 2024
  • 6 Min
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Haiti – Social: 578,074 displaced people increase of 60% in 3 months
11/06/2024 10:33:52

A report in early March 2024 from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) indicated that 362,551 people were internally displaced (IDPs) in Haiti due to the escalation of violence by armed groups. The new report at the beginning of June reveals that the number of IDPs has now reached 578,074 people, an increase of almost 60% compared to March.

This sharp increase is due to the deterioration of the security situation observed in the Metropolitan Zone of Port-au-Prince (ZMPP) since March…

The increase in the number of displaced people was more marked in the provinces where it increased by 95%, compared to 15% in the metropolitan area. Indeed, following the increase in violence in the ZMPP, many people fled the capital to seek refuge in the provinces.

The Great South was the region which experienced the greatest increase in the number of IDPs welcomed there (+130% compared to March). 47% of displaced people in the country are in the Deep South.

68% of displaced people are welcomed in the provinces and 32% in the ZMPP. 78% of IDPs in the provinces come from the ZMPP. Artibonite, where half of the IDPs fled areas located in this department, is an exception. In all other departments of the country, the majority of IDPs came from the Metropolitan Area of ​​Port-au-Prince.

At the national level, 80% of displaced people are in host families compared to 20% in sites. However, in the ZMPP 61% of IDPs reside in sites compared to 39% in host families, while in the provinces the opposite occurs (97% in host families and only 3% in sites ).

The report underlines that it is crucial to support host communities in the provinces, particularly in the Great South, to enable them to continue to welcome displaced people and important to promote social cohesion between these two population groups.

Without the resilience of host communities, the number of sites in the provinces risks increasing as was the case in the ZMPP. Indeed, at the start of the crisis the majority of IDPs in the ZMPP were hosted in host families, only around 20% in sites in 2022; this figure increased to 60% on site in 2023. One of the reasons for this increase is the lack of resources of host communities to continue to welcome displaced people and the deterioration of social cohesion in this context.

In the latest report on the emergency situation in Haiti No. 26 (period from June 1 to 7) the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Haiti in collaboration with humanitarian partners reveals that the World Food Program (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have classified Haiti as a “famine or famine risk hotspot,” requiring urgent attention.

HL/ HaitiFree

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Posted on 06/11/2024 10:54:35
The majority of displaced people do not come from Port-au-Prince, they come from the provinces, they abandoned their plantations to go to the capital and this is how the gang nightmare begins. [hors sujet]
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