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The CPT under the wings of Binuh!

  • May 22, 2024
  • 8 Min
  • 16
Members of the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT), on Thursday May 16, 2024, pose with the head of Binuh, Maria Isabel Salvador.

On Thursday, May 16, 2024, the members of the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) had their first baptism of fire, not to say their first meeting with Maria Isabel Salvador, the head of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) and Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Haiti.

Ironically, it was not the Binuh who called the meeting, it was the subordinates who found it necessary to request this meeting from their hierarchical boss, the representative of the Metropolis.

The President of the Presidency Council Edgar Leblanc Fils and his boss the head of Binuh Maria Isabel Salvador

In fact it was only an orientation work session for the advisors, so that they are clear of their true role and that they are reassured that the Binuh will not leave them alone on this path.

Maria Isabel Salvador really appreciated these new lackeys. She did not fail to remind them that the organization she leads will always be present at their side as it was with Prime Minister Ariel Henry. The Binuh will assist the Council in the manner of a crisis manager, that is to say it will consist of helping you to overcome the chaos in which your country is plunged. And this is an integral part of BINUH’s commitment to implementing its mandate in support of national authorities.

Like your predecessors, you can count on us. As part of the United Nations Security Council resolution which authorized the deployment of a Multinational Security Support Mission (MMSS) in Haiti, everything is ready for the troops to arrive in order to strengthen the capacities of the forces of Haitian security, to stabilize the situation and to create an environment conducive to democratic elections and national reconstruction.

Satisfied and proud of this great first, the Council reported on X: “Important working session this Thursday between the Presidential Transitional Council and the Head of BINUH in Haiti, Maria Isabel Salvador. On the agenda of the discussions, Resolution 2699 of the United Nations Security Council authorizing the deployment of the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti”he said.

Laura Richardson, General of the US Army Southern Command

It is obvious that this meeting was only a prelude to preparing for the reception of the Kenyan soldiers in order to plan their upcoming arrival. First, a first group of 50 police officers is already in the country to assess the situation on the ground. On Monday, May 20, 2024, this high-level Kenyan delegation, including the Commander of the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMSS), arrived in Port-au-Prince by a Sunrise Airways flight from Miami where members of the delegation were in transit.

Center, new Ambassador Dennis Bruce Hankins visits with Haitian police leaders at Haiti International Airport

This group will then be followed by 200 police officers during this week. Laura Richardson, General of the Southern Command of the US Army, confirmed that the deployment of Kenyan police officers to Haiti will be done in a few days, on Thursday, May 23, 2024.

The new United States ambassador to Haiti, Dennis Bruce Hankins, for his part, operates in a conquered country, because he has not presented his credentials to any presidential body. And that does not bother the submissives of the 9-member Transitional Colonial Presidential Council. Hankins assures that efforts are being made towards the completion of construction work on the first base of the planned occupation force. To reinforce it, Richardson revealed that “the process of securing the airport is complete. It was a crucial step for the deployment of troops” She promised to do everything to ensure that this deployment is, this time, a success. “We must be able to receive food, medicines and other materials in order to transport them to other departments,” she declared.

Landing of equipment from the American army to prepare for the new military supervision of Haiti

The Haitian people must take note, it is clear that it is the United States which is responsible for all the logistical and financial operations of this non-UN military force and the deputy spokesperson for the Kenyan Government, Mwanaisha Chidzuga, crowned the all when she confirmed the hiring of Kenya by the Americans, indicating: “We have been called to restore peace to Haiti, and it is not free. Kenya will receive money from this operation which will be used to develop our country. »

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Isabelle Papillon