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Crisis: Third week of disruption of school activities, in a context of general strike and anti-government mobilizations in Haiti

  • February 5, 2024
  • 9 Min
  • 43

P-to-P, February 5, 2024 [AlterPresse] — School activities still remain paralyzed, this Monday, February 5, 2024, in the capital, Port-au-Prince, and in several other cities in the provinces, for a third consecutive week in a context of general strike and mobilizations to protest against crime and demand the departure of the de facto government in place, observes the online agency AlterPresse.

Schools continue to keep their doors closed, due to the fragility of the security situation.

Many school officials in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area have asked parents not to send their children to school for the moment, to prevent them from being victims during heavy gunfire. firearms, which persist in recent days in different neighborhoods.

Bursts of gunfire were heard early this Monday, February 5, 2024, in certain neighborhoods, such as Solino, Delmas 24, Martin Luther King Avenue commonly called Nazon, Christ-Roi, etc.

A slowdown in automobile traffic is observed on several circuits in the metropolitan area of ​​the capital, Port-au-Prince.

Police patrols are also noticed in various areas of downtown Port-au-Prince.

Formal and informal trade functions normally.

In any case, most residents were already considering not sending their children to school for many days and staying at home, due to the volatility of the situation, particularly in the The date of February 7, 2024, today in Haiti, is approaching.

The date of February 7, 2024 should be the time to bow out on the part of the de facto government, credited with catastrophic results, particularly at the security level with the increasingly high level of acts of terror and exacerbated criminality by armed gangs. , since its installation on July 20, 2021 following a tweet from the international community, believe different socio-political organizations.

In this deleterious context, the Canadian Embassy in Haiti announced its closure to visitors on Monday, February 5, 2024, indicating that “operations continue, but that all in-person meetings are canceled.”

Many international organizations have also urged their staff to exercise caution, working remotely wherever possible, according to available information.

In the town of Les Cayes (South), several roads are blocked by barricades of stones and burning used tires, early this Monday morning, February 5, 2024.

A demonstration, in which the main leader of the Pitit Desalin political party, Jean-Charles Moïse, took part, brought together on Sunday February 4, 2024, in Port-au-Prince, hundreds of citizens, including political activists, to demand the departure of Ariel Henry.

Wanting at all costs to go to the office of the de facto prime minister, located in Musseau (Pétionville), the crowd of demonstrators, who traveled through Delmas, Pétionville and Bourdon, were dispersed with tear gas by police officers. the Haitian National Police (PNH).

After the 2 days of general strike, Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 January 2024the Anti-Corruption Union Brigade (Bsac) and allied organizations announced, again, two days of general strike across Haiti, Monday February 5 and Tuesday February 6, 2024, to ask the authorities to take measures to thwart terror and armed gang crime.

Last week, among their crimes, these armed gangs seized, on the coast of Mariani, near Port-au-Prince, a boat carrying dozens of people and goods, which was heading towards the South of Haiti.

No information is available on the fate of the kidnapped and kidnapped passengers, nor of the hijacked boat, parents are already reporting in the local press.

Since Wednesday, November 1, 2023, armed gangs have been trying to establish a criminal base in Marianiblocking the comings and goings from Port-au-Prince to the rest of the West department, the departments of South-East, South, Grande Anse and Nippes (South-West of Haiti)

Various socio-political and trade union organizations also planned to demonstrate in the streets of Port-au-Prince and in several towns in the province, on Monday 5, Tuesday 6 and Wednesday 7 February 2024, with a view to continuing to demand the departure of de facto prime minister, Ariel Henry.

Wednesday February 7, 2024 marks the 38th anniversary of the fall – on February 7, 1986 – of the Duvalier dictatorship.

Several social organizations in the South department, such as Southern popular action kombit (Kpas), Anri coral eye wash organization (Olajeka) and the departmental branch of The head of the Haitian peasant also announced the continuation of the mobilization in several cities, notably that of Les Cayes, against crime, the high cost of living, injustice and the de facto government of Ariel Henry.

Several citizens, including political activists, demonstrated again, on Wednesday January 31, 2024, in the streets of Pétionville, Delmas and Port-de-Paix (North-West department)to continue to demand the resignation of the de facto Prime Minister, Ariel Henry.

The anti-government demonstration of January 31, 2024 was violently dispersed with tear gas, launched by agents of the Haitian National Police (PNH) in front of the Canadian embassy, ​​between Delmas 75 and 71.

In Port-de-Paix (North-West department), many people also took to the streets on Wednesday January 31, 2024, to criticize the lack of convincing results from the de facto government, particularly against the terror of armed gangs, since its installation on July 20, 2021, more than 30 months ago, at the end of January 2024.

Monday January 29 and Tuesday January 30, 2024, mobilizations punctuated by violence, against Ariel Henry were observed in several cities in the provinces, such as Cap-Haïtien (North), Cayes (South), Gonaïves (Artibonite), Jérémie (Grande Anse/ part of the South-West), Miragoâne (Nippes, other part of the South-West), Petit-Goave (West).

These street demonstrations caused disruption to commercial, school and public transportation activities in these cities. [emb rc apr 05/02/2024 11:10]

Photos: Pierre-Antoine Chérilin